8 SEPTEMBER2024Retail investors dominate the Indian stock market, with 2.2 crore out of 10 crore registered NSE investors being women, according to NSE chief economist Tirthankar Patnaik. Over the years, retail investors' strength has increased, leading to continuous growth in the Nifty despite heavy selling by foreign institutional investors and geo-political stress.During an event organized by the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Association of National Exchanges Members of India (ANMI) The NSE Chief Economist mentioned "Since 2015, the number of female investors in the Indian stock market has increased by 6.8 times. About 69 per cent of investors are below the age of 40 years, so more young people have started investing. Indian households have a share of 35 per cent in total trading, Monthly SIP inflow has crossed the Rs 23,000 crore level, which is significant for markets."The NSE has a 19 crore registered investor base, with over 10 unique accounts. The growth is attributed to key factors like the Know Your Customer (KYC) process, stakeholder-led investor awareness programs, and positive market sentiment. The registered investor base has witnessed a three-time jump in the last five years, due to rapid digitization, investor awareness, and market performance. The growing number of women investors could significantly influence market trends and financial institutions' offerings, closing the gender gap in financial markets and serving as role models for women. International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published a new report stating the rise of women who are serving as Central Bank governors by 26% in the past year. Considering this rise, the number of female governors has been going up from 23 to 29.However, the percentage remains at only 16 where women can be seen in leadership across the 185 Central Banks of the world, according to the April report of Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF).As the report states, the appointment of females is always at a high in leading central banks but the current share is far from attaining gender parity. Females continue to face major challenges in their leadership roles in central banks all across the world, despite having all the progresses.Highlighting the diverse range of perspectives, the research says greater gender balance will help to achieve the same in senior roles. This can happen by enhancing checks and balances as well, which will result in an increased economic and financial stability.Attaining equality or parity can change the society and help it to grow in many aspects but specifically in the economy where all the genders are putting equal efforts for the society to grow. IN FOCUSIN FOCUS2.2 CR OUT OF 10 CRORE NSE INVESTORS ARE WOMEN, SAYS TIRTHANKAR PATNAIK26% RISE IN FEMALES AS CENTRAL BANK GOVERNORS GLOBALLY: IMF REPORT
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