9 FEBRUARY2023IN FOCUSThe 11th annual `International Women Leaders' Summit' was held here after a two-year break. It gathered leaders from all over the world to hear about their successes and inspire others to take the lead. Yasmin Hyder has been in charge of New World Concepts since 2012, which has been hosting the conference. According to a news release, the yearly convention series has hosted over 3,000 attendees and 177 lecturers from 44 different countries in the previous 10 conferences. The conference, Ms. Yasmin emphasized, was the result of a decade's worth of advancements in women's leadership and empowerment. "The vision for this meeting is to make women borrow heavily from global and Pakistani figureheads and transcend the stereotypical barriers that limit their economic expansion and provide a forum for evolving female leaders, entrepreneurs, and opinion makers in the region, to discover their ability, share their successes, and empower many more to take their lead", she said.Devrim Erol from Turkey, Commanding General Abeera Chaudry from the army's medical corps, Abdul Samad Dawood, vice chair of the Dawood Hercules Corporation, and Nazafreen Saigol Lakhani, secretary general of the All Pakistan Newspaper Society were among the special guests who spoke. Devrim Erol emphasized the development of women's economic power and the significance of encouraging women to participate equally in the workforce. Speaking participants pledged to raise awareness of the value of girls' education. Maj Gen Abeera Chaudry discussed her experience carrying out her responsibilities while facing significant obstacles on both a personal and professional level. Special sportsmen from Special Olympics Pakistan actively participated in the conference, demonstrating its inclusive attitude.Ronak Lakhani provided an overview of the preparations being made for Team Pakistan's membership in the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023, while Nicole Theriot, the US Consul General in Karachi, spoke about the history of the Special Olympics movement in the USA. The conference showcased success stories of women executives and discussed issues including managing a younger human capital and using technology for sustainable living. The event was attended by representatives from the business community, the diplomatic community, organizations from the World Bank Group, and more. THE 11TH ANNUAL SUMMIT OF FEMALE LEADERS HELD IN INDONESIATHE YEARLY CONVENTION SERIES HAS HOSTED OVER 3,000 ATTENDEES AND 177 LECTURERS FROM 44 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES IN THE PREVIOUS 10 CONFERENCES
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