8 FEBRUARY2023IN FOCUSA young woman who left her Nataram village in the Rajgarh district of Madhya Pradesh on a bicycle pilgrimage to emphasise the safety and empowerment of women arrived in the pilgrim city. Asha Malaviya began the cycle mission despite coming from a poor household and having few resources because she had a strong desire to help other women's causes and make India the world's safest place for women. She began her bike yatra on November 1st in Bhopal, the capital of her state, and had already travelled 8,000 kilometres through seven states by Monday, when she entered Andhra Pradesh via Chennai.In order to show his appreciation for the young woman, Tirupati SP P Parameswara Reddy brought her to his office where she shared her story in an effort to motivate the city's youth. The SP and top police officers congratulated Asha in the district police office (DPO). According to the SP, despite losing her father when she was just three years old, Asha completed a degree in physical education and rose to national prominence in mountaineering because to her sheer willpower and tenacity as well as the unwavering support of her mother Rajubai.She persisted and went on to break several state and national records as well as enter the World Book of Records for Mountaineering, the SP added.Asha expressed her gratitude to the district police for honouring her and noted that women were playing prominent roles in all spheres, including the military, air defence as fighter pilots, administration, as well as many other fields that had previously been considered the domain of men, demonstrating that women were not far behind men in these fields. She urged the girls to give it their all, let go of any self-consciousness, and break down any boundaries in order to succeed rather than fail. In addition, there were additional SPs Venkatarao and Vimala Kumari, DSPs Surendra Reddy, Katamaraju, Muralikrishna, Nagasubbanna, and Ramaraju, CIs, and district police office personnel. ASHA MALAVIYA PEDALS ACROSS INDIA IN SUPPORT OF WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT & SAFETYTIRUPATI SP P PARAMESWARA REDDY BROUGHT HER TO HIS OFFICE WHERE SHE SHARED HER STORY IN AN EFFORT TO MOTIVATE THE CITY'S YOUTH
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