Women Leaders Driving Growth & Innovation in Furniture Business

By: Naila Khan, Vice President Business Development, Woodenstreet

With expertise in Interiors, CSR, Business Development, and more, Naila is an experienced leader. She has been a cornerstone at Wooden Street since it’s founding in 2015, where she leads the South Division, driving significant growth for the company. Beyond her professional achievements, Naila embodies multitasking and strength, seamlessly balancing motherhood with her thriving career.

In a recent conversation with Women Entrepreneurs Review Magazine, Naila discusses how women in the Indian furniture industry are reshaping traditional roles by establishing businesses, design studios, and manufacturing units. She explores their unique perspectives driving innovation and growth, envisioning their role in integrating technology for intuitive furniture design in smart homes.

How are women in the Indian furniture industry reshaping traditional roles by establishing their own businesses, design studios, and manufacturing units, and what unique perspectives do they bring to the industry's innovation and growth?

As the head of the sales team at Wooden Street, I've seen how women in the Indian furniture industry are truly shaking things up. We're witnessing more and more women stepping into leadership roles, starting their own businesses, and making waves in design and manufacturing. What's exciting is the fresh perspective they bring to the table. They have this innate knack for detail, a real passion for creating unique designs, and a deep understanding of what customers want. We're all about embracing these perspectives because they're not just shaping our industry's future; they're also making sure we stay ahead of the game in meeting our customers' needs.

Women often have a stronger sense of empathy and connection to end-users. How do we leverage this understanding to create furniture that resonates with diverse consumer needs and lifestyles?

I've seen firsthand the power of empathy in understanding the customers' needs. Women often bring a unique sense of empathy and connection to end-users, which is invaluable in creating furniture that truly resonates with diverse consumer needs and lifestyles. We leverage this understanding by listening closely to our customers, empathizing with their preferences, and tailoring our designs to meet their specific requirements. It's about more than just selling furniture; it's about building relationships and understanding the stories behind each purchase. By tapping into this empathetic approach, we're able to create furniture that not only meets practical needs but also speaks to the hearts of the customers.

With the rise of smart homes and IoT (Internet of Things), how do you envision women shaping the integration of technology into furniture design to create more intuitive and user-friendly experiences?

Women playing a pivotal role in the integration of technology into furniture design. With the rise of smart homes and IoT, women bring a fresh perspective to the table, envisioning furniture that seamlessly blends technology with functionality. We're talking about more than just gadgets; it's about creating intuitive and user-friendly experiences that enhance everyday life. Women understand the importance of simplicity and elegance in design, and they're driving the development of furniture that not only looks great but also works seamlessly with the latest technology. At Wooden Street, we're excited to be at the forefront of this movement, working alongside women designers and innovators to shape the future of furniture in smart homes.

Women are often the primary decision-makers when it comes to home decor. How do you tailor marketing strategies to better engage with female consumers and drive sales growth in the furniture industry?

The significant role women play as primary decision-makers in home decor. To better engage with female consumers and drive sales growth in the furniture industry, we tailor our marketing strategies with a deep understanding of their preferences and needs. We focus on creating personalized experiences that resonate with women, whether it's through targeted advertising, curated content, or interactive shopping experiences. We understand that women value not just the product but also the story behind it, so we emphasize craftsmanship, sustainability, and the human touch in our messaging. By building trust and fostering meaningful connections, we're able to empower women to make confident decisions about their home décor.

The concept of "wellness" is gaining traction in interior design. How do you see women incorporating elements of wellness into furniture design, and what potential does this have for driving growth in the market?

Women, in particular, are leading the charge in incorporating elements of wellness into furniture design. They understand the importance of creating spaces that promote not just physical comfort but also mental and emotional well-being. We see this reflected in their choices of materials, colours, and layouts, all aimed at fostering a sense of calm and balance in the home. By embracing this holistic approach to design, women are not only enhancing the quality of life for themselves and their families but also driving growth in the market. There's a real demand for furniture that supports well-being, and as a company, Wooden Street is committed to meeting that demand by offering products that prioritise comfort, sustainability, and harmony in the home.

How do women leaders in the Indian furniture industry leverage their attention to detail, trend awareness, and marketing prowess to drive innovation and creative design in a highly competitive market?

Heading sales team of over 100 employees; I've seen firsthand how women leaders in the Indian furniture industry leverage their unique strengths to drive innovation and creative design in a fiercely competitive market. With their innate attention to detail, women leaders ensure that every aspect of our products meets the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship. Their trend awareness allows them to stay ahead of the curve, anticipating the needs and desires of our customers and translating them into innovative designs. Moreover, their marketing prowess enables them to effectively communicate our brand's story and values, creating meaningful connections with our target audience. By combining these skills, women leaders not only drive sales but also inspire a culture of creativity and excellence within our company, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the furniture industry.