Leverage Cultural Narratives & Storytelling to Craft Authentic & Inclusive Brand Identities

By: Joita Sen, Director and Head of Marketing & Design, Senco Gold & Diamonds

Joita Sen, a seasoned jewellery designer, and marketer with over a decade of experience have driven significant innovations at Senco Gold & Diamonds. She launched brands like Gossip, D’Signia, and Everlite, and introduced the luxury line Sennes. A prominent advocate for gender diversity and LGBTQ+ inclusion, she has earned numerous awards, such as the XIA Global Award 2023.

In a conversation with Women Entrepreneurs Review Magazine, Joita shares her insight on how digital innovation is transforming jewellery design and marketing, highlighting that leaders must embrace digital skills, promote gender diversity, and LGBTQ+ inclusion to drive positive change and foster an innovative, inclusive workplace culture.

Given the rapidly evolving market dynamics in the jewelry industry, how do you foresee the role of digital innovation in shaping the future of jewelry design and marketing? What key attributes should leaders embrace to stay ahead in this digital transformation?

Digital innovation is set to revolutionize the jewelry industry by enabling personalized design experiences, immersive virtual try-ons, and data-driven marketing. Leaders should embrace agility, creativity, and a customer-centric approach, leveraging technologies like AI, AR, and social media analytics. Staying ahead requires continuous learning, fostering a culture of innovation, and adapting swiftly to changing consumer preferences and digital trends. By integrating seamless online and offline experiences, brands can offer unique value propositions, driving customer loyalty and expanding their market reach. This digital transformation promises to create more meaningful and memorable interactions with customers.

As a leader who has been at the forefront of initiatives supporting women's empowerment, how do you believe leaders can effectively integrate gender diversity and LGBTQ+ inclusion into their strategic vision? What practices can they adopt to ensure these values are not just aspirational but embedded in their organizational culture?

In a bid to support the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, we at Senco, champion inclusivity by actively hiring from the LGBTQIA+ community. We believe their perspectives further enrich our teams and hence can enhance our brand's credibility. Practices like having them part of your brand campaigns, and extending assistance in terms of training, skill development, and medical and healthcare support, are some of the values that a leader should embed in their company policies. To embed these values, leaders must lead by example, hold themselves and others accountable, and create a safe space for all employees to express themselves authentically.

Leaders should celebrate and recognize diverse voices and contributions within the organization. They can create mentorship programs and sponsorship opportunities for underrepresented groups, ensuring equitable career growth, thereby, encouraging and addressing any discriminatory behavior. At Senco, we already have a couple of members from the LGBTQ community as part of the Senco Gold family and we are set to welcome a few more into our fold.

The jewelry market is experiencing significant shifts with changing consumer preferences and sustainability concerns. What are the essential qualities that leaders must possess to navigate these shifts successfully and maintain a competitive edge?

The jewelry industry has embraced sustainable fashion, influenced by growing environmental consciousness and a preference for uniqueness. To navigate the shifting jewelry market, leaders must possess adaptability, innovation, and a strong commitment to sustainability. They should stay attuned to consumer preferences and trends while fostering ethical practices. A keen understanding of digital marketing and technology is also crucial for reaching modern consumers. By combining these qualities, leaders can maintain a competitive edge and build lasting relationships with customers. A keen understanding of digital marketing and technology is also crucial for reaching modern consumers. By combining these qualities, leaders can maintain a competitive edge, build lasting relationships with customers, and effectively respond to market shifts.

In an industry where creativity and innovation are paramount, how can leaders foster an environment that encourages groundbreaking ideas while also addressing the need for inclusivity and representation?

As a jewelry retail company that has been run by four generations of the same family for over 50 years, Senco Gold and Diamonds has adorned women as per the style and fashion of the time. It’s more pronounced and emphasized now. Banking on this legacy, the company has mastered the art of securing a place in customers’ hearts through impactful campaigns that resonate seamlessly with their emotions.

Leaders can also foster a similar environment by encouraging diverse perspectives, promoting open communication, and creating a safe space for experimentation. By prioritizing inclusivity, they ensure that all voices are heard, which enhances creativity and problem-solving. Providing mentorship and resources to underrepresented groups can also help in nurturing talent and ensuring a broad range of ideas and perspectives.

With your experience in launching brands that support inclusivity, how can leaders in the jewelry industry leverage cultural narratives and storytelling to create more authentic and inclusive brand identities?

Leaders in the jewelry industry can leverage cultural narratives and storytelling to craft more authentic and inclusive brand identities by highlighting diverse cultural histories and traditions, celebrating unique beauty standards, and embracing the stories of marginalized communities. By doing so, they can create a more resonant and relatable brand image that honors individual and collective identities, fostering a deeper connection with a wider audience.

In the context of the current market and your experience with empowering diverse groups, what do you consider the most crucial leadership attributes for driving positive change and fostering an inclusive workplace culture?

In today's market, crucial leadership attributes include empathy, cultural awareness, and open-mindedness. Leaders must actively listen and value diverse perspectives, fostering a culture of inclusion and respect. Encouraging collaboration and promoting equity ensures all voices are heard and valued. By modeling these behaviors, leaders inspire positive change and create a workplace where everyone feels empowered to contribute. Creating a supportive environment where individuals feel heard and empowered is essential for nurturing growth and achieving collective success. Embracing these principles not only strengthens organizational culture but also builds resilience and adaptability in an ever-evolving landscape.