Inspiring Leaders through Complex Transformations: A Guide for HR Professionals
By: Sonal Jain, Global CHRO, EPL Limited
Sonal is a transformative leader with a rich background in HR and DEI, having held key roles at Johnson & Johnson, Unilever, and Wipro. Currently leading as Global CHRO at EPL Ltd, she inspires leaders to drive complex transformations. She also serves as a member on the CII National Committee for Leadership and HR.
I read a beautiful insight – Complication creates confusion and conflicts. If not handled well, makes us regress and regret. Whereas Complexity creates hope and solutions. If handled well, shapes the future and brings positivity. At the outset, complexity might seem daunting but if we march with pause, patience and wisdom, we will be able to transform businesses through our leaders which crafts the path for future. The outcome will be energizing and could paint a new canvas for individuals and the larger ecosystems.
Complexity arises because there are many unknowns, decision points like we are standing at the fork, threat and fear of failures because the path ahead could be blur with challenges and the environment might appear unhelpful. What we do in this situation and How we do this, both need to be understood and responded to. As an HR professional, it’s a big responsibility to inspire leaders through complex transformations. In my experience, below 10 aspects weaved together has helped the business transformation come to life through leaders:
- Understanding why does our organization exist and who are we here to serve. This important question lays the foundation of the fundamental purpose of the organization. This is where the values, vision and mission are born. This is where the culture originates where people belong and thrive. Sometimes, organizations can digress from core purpose of existence knowingly or unknowingly.
- Scanning the environment and connecting the dots with helicopter view. We need to be cautious not to get carried away with minor events and factors which takes our focused away from the core purpose. It’s important to understand if the external market has got disrupted or there might be situational aspects which might be posing threat. It could also be a heightened awareness of an unmet need of the end consumer which shakes the current market ecosystem.
- Tapping into data and analytics but not missing the critical insights. Getting specialized help could be valuable to ensure we do not miss an ignored insight because of a bias. This process would help visualize the reality which needs to be addressed immediately and in long term.
- Diagnosing and aligning the organization, leaders, and teams to strengths and opportunity to capability, capacity and community. All 3 are important. Capability is about the skills and knowledge, capacity is about the mindset to find solution as a commitment through growth mindset and community is the trust and togetherness that we have which together has the power to solve any biggest complex problem.
- Identifying the roadblocks, did they exist always and how have they become roadblocks. Sometimes, it is interesting as well as surprising to note that the same roadblocks were organization’s strength. It’s also important to understand what is the intensity of these roadblocks. Who all they impact and what needs the biggest shift. Sometimes, these could be tangible, intangible, visible and invisible. All aspects are important to be identified to ensure we don’t roll behind as we surge forward.
- Managing conflicts is an art and science both. Conflict exists even in our environment every day and we learn to live with them. However, in a complex situation when conflict appears, it feels its unbearable and everyone is burnt out. First step is to acknowledge that conflict is a part of the solution to complex problems. Conflict appears due to insecurity, and threat to pride and fear of failure of identity and egos. Many individuals hold on to the past and not let the doors open for new insights, ideas and solutions.
- Whatever might be the situation, it’s absolutely undebatable to stay sharply focused and committed to the purpose of existence and the outcome to be achieved in short and long term. Continuous dialogue ensures that the leadership team stays focused on this together. Resilience is the key to that collectively uphold wellbeing at organization and individual level. It’s important to identify and stay accountable to actions committed together. If this slips, this itself could be a negative spiral of blaming and having a victim mindset which does not help to solve the problem.
- Aligning stakeholders is valuable internally and externally. Recognizing that the management themselves will be going through a tough time themselves and will be reflected through all forms of communication and actions. Sometimes these create perception which is far from reality. Honest and upfront communication brings consistency and allows feedback and inputs from all stakeholders as they view the situation more objectively that itself can turn the situation completely.
- Solve, Communicate, Step Forward, Pause. Repeat this every day until there is a solution which starts emerging. Accept that complexity exists and communicate with trust and consistency of message across teams. The direct and indirect teams are reading and observing much more than what is visible and a negative energy can spread like wild fire.
- Once the situation starts improving never forget to celebrate and recognize. Even in most difficult situation, there always will be a ray of hope and moment of joy. If nothing else, celebrate the smallest of moments of life. The emotions that get shifted will infuse energy and positive energy generates positive results.
Navigating through a complex situation is transformational journey through curiosity and continuous learning. No one individual can navigate it alone but this path can only be walked together till the door of solutions open up for a new pathway of opportunities. Different people play different roles in this transformation and each role is critical. It’s important that the leadership team acknowledges that everyone will be at a different stage of emotions, intelligence and wisdom. Leveraging each other’s strength and complimenting each other will help staying the course.
In the moment it appears to be tough but as teams would emerge with solutions, success and transformation is inevitable for business and leaders which will remain a learning and experience for lifetime.