Independence Day: Female Industry Leaders reflect on their Contribution to Nation Building

By: WE Staff

Trissa Joseph, Vice President from Everest Industries Limited

How do you wish to contribute towards empowering and strengthening India through your work? 

Trissa Joseph, Vice President from Everest Industries Limited

Through my role as an R&D leader focused on sustainability and innovation, I aim to contribute by advancing research and development in sustainable products that support the country's growth and build resilient infrastructure. My goal is to innovate and collaborate by investing in products that positively impact our environment. The first step in that direction is to source responsibly, reduce material usage, and maximize the use of recycled materials, following the principles of reuse, recycle, and repurpose. Through collaborative efforts, we can support the nation’s journey towards a sustainable future and ensure that we leave a healthier planet for future.

What message would you like to share with your fellow Indians on Independence Day?

On this Independence Day, my message is to commit to living a sustainable life and becoming champions for both the environment and society. Through innovation and environmental stewardship, we can address the challenges posed by climate change and resource depletion. Each of us has a role to play, whether in our personal lives or professional endeavors, as it is our collective responsibility. By working together and embracing the principles of sustainability, we can ensure that the progress we make today leads to brighter, more sustainable future for all Indians.