National Technology Day: Women Leaders on How They Leverage Tech for Success

By: WE Staff

Girija Kolagada VP of Engineering, Progress 

As a woman leader, how do you leverage technology to enhance your productivity and efficiency?

Some of the tools that I leverage to enhance my productivity and efficiency include platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Slack for seamless communication and collaboration with my team members regardless of their location. These tools help for quick decision-making and for sharing real-time updates and information. In addition, I use Jira, which supports Agile methodologies such as Scrum/Kanban, for project management and tracking software issues. The Agile boards provide visualization of the scrum team’s work, organize tasks into sprints or iterations, and track progress using features like burndown charts and cumulative flow diagrams. Also, tools such as Asana help us streamline workflows and keep everyone aligned toward our common goals.

Is there a specific technology trend that you are betting big on?

AI and ML hold tremendous potential to reshape industries, improve efficiency, and drive innovation. However, it's essential to approach their development and deployment thoughtfully to maximize their benefits while minimizing the risks.