6 Dynamic Female Architects Influencing India's Architecture Tapestry

By: WE Staff

Chitra Vishwanath

Chitra Vishwanath has been a principal architect and Managing Director of BIOME Environment Solutions since 1991. With over 500 projects, she emphasizes ecology and uses earth as a fundamental material, often using mud as the primary element for her designs. She holds a diploma in civil engineering from Nigeria and a Bachelor of Architectural degree from the CEPT University in Ahmedabad. She designs indigenous natural resources, incorporating water, energy, and land-use processes. She built a 135-square-meter mud house for herself in Bengaluru, featuring solar panels, photovoltaics, water harvesting, an eco-san toilet, waste segregation, greywater treatment, bio mass heater, and a 1,000 square-foot terrace vegetable garden.