Mother's Day: Women Leaders On How to Balance Motherhood & Work

By: WE Staff

Ankita Pathak, iOS Team Leader, coto

"Embracing the dynamic interplay of motherhood and leadership within the iOS team of a women-only social community app for digital entrepreneurship, I've discovered an empowering journey of growth and resilience. As a techie mother, navigating the intricate landscapes of coding and childcare, I've learned that balance isn't a static destination but an excellent transition of priorities and passions. Motherhood has inspired my leadership style with empathy, patience, and a deep understanding of the value of time. Leading the iOS team of a decentralized tech platform isn't just about creating software applications and programs; it's about fostering a culture of support and collaboration, where every team member feels valued and empowered to thrive.

As a mother, I've honed the art of multitasking, seamlessly switching between debugging algorithms, and wiping away tears, all while holding steadfast to the vision of a brighter future for my child. The biggest challenge is juggling time between a rapidly evolving industry and childcare. This requires flexibility, continuous learning, and managing gender biases, which can often lead to considerable stress and fatigue. Balancing tech-related responsibilities with caregiving can result in mental strain and guilt due to the constant need to juggle multiple priorities and deadlines. However, with consistent support from partners, employers, and peers, things become more manageable and streamlined. To all the techie mothers blazing trails in the tech industry, remember: Your worth isn't measured by lines of code or hours logged, but by the love and dedication you pour into every aspect of your life. Together, we redefine success, proving that motherhood and tech leadership are not opposing forces but harmonious melodies in the symphony of life."