Mother's Day: Women Leaders On How to Balance Motherhood & Work

By: WE Staff

Rachita Kar, Branding and Communications Lead at MassMutual India

How do you balance motherhood while being busy working professionals?

Motherhood manifests itself in extremes. It is blissful to be a mother and at the same time, it can take a toll on mental and physical health. The “job” requires full-time, attention, and energy. In addition, if you are a working mother, the efforts double or sometimes triple, because at any given point parenting requires your intervention, presence, or input. Balancing work and motherhood is tough but doable. The trick is to create step-ins of yourself when you won’t be around. In other terms, outsourcing some parts of the job that can be done at home to family members or other support. Similarly, managing time effectively at work, delegating, and most importantly drawing boundaries whether at work or home, helps strike that balance. Organizations that recognize and support employees with these challenges go a long way in restoring balance in a woman’s life.

What message would you like to give out to other women on Mother’s Day? 

Take time out for yourself. Prioritize your mental and physical well-being over others on this day. Only a healthy mind and body can nurture a healthy and happy work and home environment.