Mother's Day: Women Leaders On How to Balance Motherhood & Work

By: WE Staff

Srishti Baweja, COO & Whole Time Director at E2E Networks Ltd

How do you balance motherhood while being busy working professionals?

Honestly, balancing motherhood and career is an ongoing challenging journey. It seems like my teenage daughter needs me more than ever now. What has helped me the most is to treat both my career and my role as a mother with equal respect. I am no longer attached to the idea of being the perfect mother who makes sacrifices for her kid, only to feel resentment later. Instead, I make conscious choices to prioritize my time between my professional and personal lives.

What message would you like to give out to other women on Mother’s Day? 

My message to other working mothers would be: It is okay to experience occasional guilt and self-doubt; just make sure to take some time off for yourself. This will recharge and help you to be the best version of yourself.