Covid Era & Health Care Workers
By: Upasana Arora, Director, Yashoda Super Speciality Hospitals
Upasana Arora is regarded as one of the dynamic leaders in the healthcare industry of India. Upasana has received numerous awards for her contribution, where the recent awards include the Ethical Healthcare, Community Empowerment and Women Leadership, CAPITAL Foundation Award-2019, ASSOCHAM Excellence Award-2018 for “Business Woman of the Year “and UP FICCI FLO Women’s Award in Healthcare Category.
In the ongoing global crisis unleashed by the coronavirus, the healthcare has taken a major hit, and In India alone, over 500 doctors and several paramedics died due to the COVID -19 pandemic.
Healthcare workers are at fore front of this pandemic and despite of all problems in life they are working day and night and saving lives, but, tragically in this battle of responsibility and duty many of them are losing their own life.
Unfortunately they are not getting recognition for their supreme sacrifice at par with soldiers. If our soldiers lay lives for the nation, Health care workers are also sacrificing their lives for the nation and society. Alas! No one is talking about their greatest sacrifices in this most challenging phase being faced by the humanity as a whole.
We cannot imagine this tough time without any health care facility or health care workers it could be a night mare for whole world.
We need to brace up to brace for any such challenges in the future by building a very robust healthcare system. The system has to be build up to cope up with any kind of pandemic so next time we are better prepared to face these challenges. Right now, we are struggling with available facilities with some alterations to handle the situation that is loaded with the highly contagious virus.
“While the normal life is upended, health care workers turned up religiously to the call of their duties unfazed by the contagious coronavirus”
The Killer virus because of its unsparing nature has already infected over 32 million and killed 983,000 people globally. Even in the most advanced United States, over 200,000 people have been killed by the raging virus. India has lost over 92,000 lives till the last week of September.
While the normal life is upended, health care workers turned up religiously to the call of their duties unfazed by the contagious coronavirus. The tough journey is still continuing.
Our mental health is also affected by this because of social distancing, all time masking and lot of restrictions. People have forgotten to live normal life. The overall situation has compounded miseries for the healthcare workers who face stressed environs while keep themselves always in gears like PPE kits and N-95 masks. It is very tough to wear these gears all the time due to hostile humid weather conditions.
Not only this, they maintain distance from family members even at home as they go back from the infectious environs of the hospitals. The fear of spreading the virus to family members, always lurk in their minds and that makes them more imitating and mentally hard pressed.