Botox & Laser - The New Medical Rise in India
By: Dr. Ameesha Mahajan, Dermatologist, RM Aesthetic
Trained in lasers, Dr. Ameesha joined her father where she developed a keen interest in aesthetics.
The rise of social media and selfies has increased the popularity of cosmetic treatments by leaps and bounds. They are no more regarded as celebrity procedures and are percolating amongst the common man. Cosmetic procedures not only enhance the beauty but also help in building our confidence.
In times of the pandemic the world is facing, we are seeing an increase in cosmetic procedures. So many people who hardly had the time to look at themselves in the bathroom mirror are now becoming more aware of their facial features due to the ongoing Zoom meetings.
Let's look into some of the most commonly done Cosmetic Procedures that are seeing a rise in India
Botulinum Toxin
Commonly known by the name of Botox, works by relaxing specific muscle fibres that it is injected into. This treatment is meant for dynamic wrinkles which are the lines we get when we animate eg. lines on the sides of the eyes when we smile or lines on the forehead when we are angry or worried.
It is also used for reshaping of a heavy jawline. The Procedure takes hardly 15 to 30 minutes and the effects generally last for about four to six months.
What is the right age for getting Botox? There is no right age for Botox. It is very personalised according to your face and lines. Someone in their late twenties may also require Botox and if you are genetically blessed & do not get wrinkles till your late forties, you don’t have to start! The right time is when you see that small lines are starting to set in your skin even when you are not making an expression. It is better to start early than late, as you will need very less quantity and you can also slow down the ageing process!
So many people who hardly had the time to look at themselves in the bathroom mirror are now becoming more aware of their facial features due to the ongoing Zoom meetings
Most commonly used fillers in India are basically hyaluronic acid based. They help in giving structural support to the face and balance our facial features. Whether it is lifting a staging face or taking care of the under eye hollowness, whether it’s about a more contoured jawline or glamorous lips, it's all possible with fillers. When done right, they look very natural. With the right technique, they help in slimming the face and giving it a more chiseled look. The results can easily last for more than a year.
There is a boom of lasers in the market with a variety of lasers and their uses. From hair removal to facial rejuvenation, from scar reduction to tattoo removal, there are endless treatments that can be done with a laser.
The most common laser treatment is a hair reduction. There are a variety of lasers from diode, Nd:YAG, IPL, alexandrite, triple wavelength, quadruple wavelength etc. Laser for hair removal helps in drastic reduction of hair growth in just a few sittings. After a few regular sittings, maintenance sittings help in keeping the hair growth in check. People with fair skin and black hair are the best candidates for laser but with advancement in technology, people with darker skin types can also get fairly good results.
Facial Rejuvenation with laser improves the fine lines, mild pigmentation and any textural changes. Fractional CO2 is the gold standard but an Erbium Yag laser is also a good option. There is minimal downtime of these procedures which varies between five-seven days but the results are long lasting. Laser like Q switch ND YAG are now being increasingly used for the Carbon Peel and Laser toning. It gives wonderful results for pigmentation, uneven skin tone, fine lines and even pores, without any downtime.
Lasers are also being used for acne scars, accident scars, stretch marks and surgery scars with very good results. Fractional CO2, Erbium YAG and MNRF are some latest technologies which are very effective. Few sittings are required for these treatments, which are done at a gap of four-eight weeks. The results in scar are permanent and improve for up to one year after the treatment is complete.
Tattoo Removal is a very commonly requested procedure. One of the most common reasons is that tattoos are not acceptable in some government jobs and also in the army. Sometimes the tattoos are removed because they were made in haste or a name of an ex-lover is written. It can take quite a few sittings to get removed. Amateur tattoos are fairly easy to remove as compared to the professional and coloured tattoos.
The cosmetic procedures are becoming more and more inclusive with men and women both approaching them. In today’s world, these treatments satisfy our need for results which are fast and effective at the same time. Even though most people like to keep their cosmetic treatments private, there is no doubt that they are becoming widely accepted.