AI & Digitization: Boon to Healthcare

By: Dr. Shilpa Tatake, Group COO and Unit Head, Jupiter Hospital

Dr. Shilpa Tatake, Group COO and Unit Head at Jupiter Hospital-Thane has over 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry. She currently manages operations for the entire Jupiter group of hospitals, including the flagship unit at Thane. Dr. Shilpa is a top influencing healthcare leader and a member of the sub-healthcare subcommittee of CII. She is also the Maharashtra representative for the health leadership and environment platform.

In a recent conversation with Women Entrepreneurs Review Magazine, Dr. Shilpa emphasizes the significance of AI and Digitization in Healthcare and management. She explores the remarkable advancements in patient care and managing crucial algorithms after the technological advancements.

Which new technologies could provide competitive advantage for hospitals in the near future? How can leaders capitalize on these innovations to enhance operational efficiencies?

The healthcare industry is experiencing rapid growth, particularly in the area of AI and machine learning. With a CAGR of nearly 40.5% annually, AI is being widelyadopted in India, but it is still in its infancy phase. AI helps in data analysis, predicting trends, effective patient care, and clinical decision-making. Healthcare delivery hasthree primary pillars: patient, treating doctor, and the healthcare provider- which is hospital.

AI data analysis helps in digitizing data and handling patients throughout their journey in the hospital. Hospitals face challenges in resource utilization and patient flow, as they must accommodate bed turnover rates to accommodate patient flow. AI helps in this by providing predictive analysis and helping with the entire process, including admission and discharge.

In diagnostics, AI has created remarkable improvements, with 90% precision and accuracy while managing various algorithms. For example, in radiology, AI can provide accurate predictive analysis, matching the accuracy of radiologists. In mammography interpretations, AI has said to have demonstrated nearly 99% accuracy, saving time and improving turnaround rates for reporting and clinical decision-making.

Robotics has played a crucial role in surgeries, especially in oncology, urology, and gynecology.

By effectively using machines and AI, hospitals can enhance patient experience, operational efficiencies, and cost reduction. These factors are essential for managing hospitals and today's patients.

In an era where data privacy and security are paramount, how can healthcare organizations transform their approach to data utilization?

Healthcare produces a massive amount of data, with nearly 50 petabytes produced annually. This unstructured data is difficult to process and requires a lot of human efforts and intelligence. AI can simplify this process, but it also presents it’s own set of challenges, such as data privacy and confidentiality. Hospitals must comply with the Consumer Protection Act 1984 and its amendment in 2019, which requires them to protect patient-specific data. AI can help with fast processing, data analytics, and access controls, limiting access and interpretation.

Cybersecurity is crucial in the digitization of clinical data and the transition to electronic health records (EHR). Integrating software with HMIS (hospital management information system) requires careful legal considerations to ensure data safety and protection. Efficient IT and cybersecurity are essential for the entire system.

AI algorithms can provide visibility into data, allowing for corrective measures and faster discharge turnaround times. For example, a bottleneck in the faster bed turnover was discovered when the actual data showed that 70 % of the beds were getting vacated post 2 p.m. though the discharges were in formed in the morning.

Data usage has immense potential in hospitals, including administrative processes, clinical decision-making, and importantly the management decision making. AI can set follow-up appointments, and send reminders to patients, clinicians, and set the triggers for hospital-based system, enabling effective management of the process. While data can be a monster if not controlled properly, it can also turn out to be an angel if used efficiently to improve patient outcomes.

What novel strategies should hospitals adopt to foster genuine patient engagement and loyalty? How can these strategies address the growing need for personalized healthcare experiences?

AI and digitization have been discussed in various conferences, but AI should not be seen as a threat and it can never replace ‘human touch’ of the healthcare. While AI can creates algorithms that can help, those have to be used and interpreted properly to set ‘calls for action’; which requires human intelligence and effective decision-making process. Hospitals must adopt strategic approaches that complement human leadership and involve extensive training for clinicians and support staff to effectively process and execute data. Efficient business process re-engineering is crucial for AI to be effective.

Transparency has become a positive aspect of AI, allowing patients to have a great visibility in their data. It guides them at every step of the hospitalization, right from informed decision of admission, procedures/ surgeries, processing mediclaim, getting approvals, and exact steps for discharge too. However, if not managed efficiently, AI can act as a weapon against hospitals. Proper processes built around AI can complement healthcare process management and provide predictive analysis for clinical decision-making.

Personalized healthcare also benefits from AI, as it can predict patient risks and success rates for surgeries. AI has advanced to a level where it can predict the success rate of surgeries, but it is up to the healthcare providers to utilize this technology effectively.

What innovative workforce development initiatives do you believe are essential to prepare healthcare professionals for future roles?

Hospital is a labor intensive organization having a very diverse workforce.  Upskilling and training of the employees at all levels is crucial for delivering the high-end operations. A culture of continuous learning is essential for employeesto collaborate with stakeholders and understand the vision of the organization. AI can help reduce human burden and improve decision-making, allowing nurses to focus on patient care more efficiently.

With the help of Clinical Decision making, clinicians can focus on patient care and facilitate quality communication. Efficient training and incentives should be provided to employees, ensuring that the whole ecosystem is positive and working towards a continuous learning environment. By focusing on the benefits and incentives of AI, hospitals can ensure that they enhance the patient experience to the greatest possible level.

What proactive measures should healthcare leaders take to navigate regulatory hurdles while still fostering a culture of innovation? How can organizations ensure that compliance does not stifle progress in patient care?

AI in healthcare presents numerous ethical and legal issues. While, the regulatory measures are in place those are still underdeveloped. Legal and ethical issues range from who is responsible for mistakes, decisions, and who takes the ownership in robotic surgeries. Proper governance is crucial for the effective implementation of AI. Regulations are not the just the external forces, but those are the facilitators, who enable healthcare providers to deliver the best possible care.

In today's era, healthcare providers must focus on creating a complete patient experience, focusing on empathy, infrastructure, technology, and patient guidance. Design thinking and creativity within resource availability and constraints are essential for success. The only differentiation factor in healthcare is the human touch, which involves effectively and innovatively caring for patients and making them comfortable. While regulations are still evolving, they should not be seen as binders for AI, but as leading lights for healthcare providers to navigate the evolving landscape.

Message to Readers

AI is definitely going to become more important. But AI alone will not lead us to the acme of our profession. AI will only support us in going there by having well-trained professionals or rather having a good vision and well-trained human being involved.AI with an efficient caregiver is a combination which will help in creatinggreat experience for patientswhile in the hospital.

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