
How Women Entrepreneurs are Re-shaping the Influencer...

Having been thrown into digital marketing seven years Yulia successfully combined her...

Indian Women and the Wide Wage Discrimination as explained by...

In order to better understand inequality and discrimination in the country's access to...

The "Broken Rung" Is Still Broken: Women Leaders Switching Jobs at Much Higher Rate than Men

In the battle for talent, there are always winners and losers, and the stakes...

BY: WE Staff

Reach Group's NandiniTaneja on the Paradigm Shift in Indian Real Estate Leasing Market

With a progressive attitude and willingness to adapt, Nandini Taneja, a 39-year-old trailblazer, has been able to advance through her career by viewing the real estate industry from a wide lens to identify

BY: NandiniTaneja, Vice President, Reach Group

7 Indian Female Actors who turned Startup Investors in 2022

Of-late young Indian female actors have been turning into investors by backed innovative start-ups from across varied sectors.

BY: WE Staff

Power Dressing Tips for Women from the Industry Professionals

Power dressing is about establishing oneself and projecting one's inner competence. For those first and last impressions of confidence, power dressing is absolutely crucial.

BY: WE Staff

Six Contemporary Indian Women Expanding the Boundaries of Science and Technology

From being a minority, women in science today hold the most prominent positions in fields once thought to be unreachable. Today, India is home to a large number of outstanding women who have revolutionized science and technology.

BY: WE Staff

Quirky & Fun Women Led Indian Brands to Shop from this Diwali

For many Indians, Diwali has always been a time for joy and celebrations. Not only is it the festival of lights, but it's also a good time to make new purchases and start new endeavors.

BY: WE Staff

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