2022 Review: Statistics that Symbolize Women's Growth in the Professional World
By: WE Staff
In the past decade, women have made great strides in terms of empowerment and equality. Women now make up a majority of the world’s population, and their participation in the workforce has increased by leaps and bounds. There are several reasons for this increase in women empowerment. One of the most important factors is education. With more and more women getting access to education, they are better equipped to take on leadership roles. Additionally, women are also becoming more aware of their rights and are demanding greater equality.
The increase in women empowerment is also evident in the business world. In the past, women were often discriminated against when it came to starting their own businesses. However, this is no longer the case. Women are now starting businesses at an unprecedented rate, and they are doing quite well. In fact, according to a report by Forbes, women-owned businesses are growing at a rate of 5 times that of the overall economy.
This increase in women empowerment is having a positive impact on society as a whole. With more women in leadership roles, we are seeing more progress on issues like gender equality and women’s rights. Additionally, the rise of women-owned businesses is helping to boost the economy. It is clear that the empowerment of women is good for everyone.
Here is having a look at six reports/surveys that showcase the strides made by women in various contexts. These statistics are a testament to how women’s position in the society is improving.
Businesses Attempting to Create More Inclusive Workplaces, Star in Me Report
The pressure to develop diverse and inclusive workplaces is increasing. According to research, diverse and inclusive organisations achieve 70 percent higher growth, 36 percent better profitability, 75 percent faster time to market, and 19 percent better innovation. Behavioural inclusion is one of the four essential aspects involved in creating an inclusive workplace. Individuals can be inclusive by identifying and trying to eliminate long-held unconscious bias. Organizations can be more inclusive by re-examining and restructuring their talent management systems.
According to research, technology is one of the most underrepresented industries, with women accounting for fewer than 20% of the workforce. To close the gender gap, organizations, leaders, and institutions are promoting women to pursue STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) degrees.
Becoming an inclusive business involves more than one excellent training session or high-profile project. You'll need the determination to alter longstanding but discriminatory cultural practices, as well as the guts to see such changes through. From unconscious bias training to inclusive design, you need structural and behavioural inclusion interventions to be an inclusive and equitable organisation.
Gender Parity: India Improves, but is Ranked 135th out of 146 Countries, Says Report
According to the World Economic Forum's (WEF) most recent Gender Gap Report, India's overall position in achieving gender parity improved in 2022, rising five positions to 135 out of the 146 benchmarked this year. But it still lags behind its neighbours Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Nepal, the Maldives, and others. The Global Gender Gap Index measures the progress of gender parity across four important parameters. In India, the proportion of female professionals and technical workers went from 29.2 percent to 32.9 percent, and for estimated earned income, the gender parity score increased. However, the decreasing percentage of years that women have held the position of head of state over the previous 50 years resulted in a dropping score (-0.010) for Political Empowerment. Only one in five of the 146 economies surveyed had been able to close the gender gap by at least 1percent in the last 12 months.
LinkedIn Reports that more Indian Women than Males are considering Entrepreneurship
According to a LinkedIn study, more women are choosing to start their own businesses in India, where the proportion of female founders is rising faster than that of their male counterparts.
The study indicated that between 2016 and 2021, the proportion of female founders increased by 2.68 times. Comparatively, throughout the same time span, the percentage of male founders increased just 1.79 times.
The information was made public in the Global Gender Gap Report for 2022 by the World Economic Forum.
Percentage of Women on Indian Boards Increases to 18% in 2022 finds Report
India's proportion of women on corporate boards increased 18% from 6% in 2013 to 18% in 2022. But the nation still lags well behind France, Sweden, the US, and the UK. The report said that while organisations have expressed a strong commitment to expanding board diversity, the rate of change is unquestionably not up to standard. According to the survey, the corporate law mandate in India is largely to blame. The report claims that only 600 women hold managerial and executive positions in India's energy sector, representing a meagre 8% of the total workforce.
Only 6% of executive positions on boards for banking and financial markets are now held by women. According to the report, women's presence on the boards of corporations in the energy and utilities sector (oil, gas, and utilities) has remained unchanged at 15% between 2017 and 2022.
The consumer goods and retail sector, which has 20% women on its boards, is closely behind the media and entertainment industry.
The survey noted that the technology (IT and ITeS) sector had 20% female representation on its boards while having one of the highest rates of female employment (34%).
India's Employable ability is Growing, as is the Proportion of Women in the Workforce: India Skills Report
India's employable workforce has increased from 46.2% to 50.3%, according to The Wheebox India Skills Report 2023. Women made up 52.8% of those who were deemed to be employable. In the research, it was also stated that 89% of recent grads were looking for internships. B. Tech, MBA, and B. Com graduates had the highest employability rates. There is still a discrepancy between graduates' talents and what the industry needs.
Women over the age of 41 are More Active in Crypto Trading than Men in India: Report
According to a study published, women over the age of 41 in India traded more crypto assets in 2022 than males in the same age bracket. In comparison to men, women traded more Blue chip tokens, it was added.
The majority of cryptocurrency trades on the platform were made by women from West Bengal, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh.
Men were more involved in cryptocurrency trading than women in the age groups of 18 to 26 and 26 to 40.