
These Indian Women Celebs are Lending a Helping Hand in...

The second wave of Covid-19 that has hit India has brought the country and its...

Indian Advertisements Still Uphold Gender Stereotypes

Before the rise in popularity of television advertisements and later the internet, the...

Work Culture Will Become More Human Centric - How Is The Industry Preparing For It?

In a small business, human capital is always make-or-break, there are no two...

BY: Rebekkah Kumar, Founder & CEO, Fourseven

Women Leaders Important For An Aatmanirbhar India

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention and this statement has stood the test of time. The greatest of solutions or inventions have been created as solutions to the biggest problems.

BY: Subi Chaturvedi, Chief Corporate Affairs & Communications Officer, Zupee

Meet these Nine Women in STEM Fighting Against the COVID 19 Crisis

Women all across the world and in India are working long hours to counter the adversities caused by COVID-19 crisis.

BY: Navyasri, Content Writer, Women Entrepreneur

How they are Changing and Paving the Way for More Women to take Entrepreneurship?

Indian women have always been active contributors to family incomes by running small-scale, work-from-home businesses.

BY: Varuna Chand, Founder, VPop

Femtech Industry on the Rise in India & Globally

Femtech (or female technology) is an umbrella term that includes software, diagnostics, products, and services that use technology to focus on women's health.

BY: Navyasri, Content Writer, Women Entrepreneur

Women In Leadership: Achieving An Equal Future In A Covid-world

Ar. HimaniAhuja, the Founder & CEO at One Digital & Designworx Asia, glorifies the virtues of ingenuity and conscientiousness. Integrated with a tenacity to achieve her goals, it was her

BY: Ar. HimaniAhuja, Communication Specialist, Founder & CEO, One Digital

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