
Meet Tasnim Mir, the 16 Year Indian Badminton Champion to...
Tasnim Mir, 16, has written a new chapter in the history of Indian badminton. She has...

Indian Pharmaceutical Industries: Challenges & Scope
Dr Vidya Velagapudi has an interdisciplinary educational and professional background....

Harpreet Chandi: First Woman of Colour to Complete Solo Voyage to South Pole
There is no question that the world is currently experiencing a tremendous...
BY: Sruthi, Writer, WomenEntrepreneurIndiaNutritional Strategies for Cholesterol Optimisation
Cholesterol has always had a bad reputation due to its role in promoting cardiac issues. However, its role is not negative for the human body.
BY: Subhisha – Nutritionist – ResoluteInspirational Women Entrepreneurs to Look Up To in 2022
The following is a list of notable female entrepreneurs who have made their mark on India's startup ecosystem.
BY: Navyasri, Writer, WomenentrepreneurindiaSkincare trends to look out for in 2022
Skincare and self-care are popular like never before. Everyone has the urge to look out for themselves and take good care of their skin. With the advent of influencer marketing and reels, trends are changing every day. Every single day we can see som
BY: Dr Noopur Jain, MD Dermatology, Skinzest2k21 Recap: Look Back on the Good News that 2021 Brought for Indian Women
Greet 2022 with joy, happiness, and a wish for more women to be empowered in the year ahead.
BY: Navyasri, Writer, Womenentrepreneurindia2k21 Recap: Tenacious Indian Businesswomen & their Achievements that made Headlines in 2021
India has produced a substantial number of female leaders at the national and organisational levels throughout the years, breaking past the barrier of a stron
BY: Sruthi, Writer, WomenEntrepreneurIndia