
Vaishnavee Eishwar Maanay: Leveraging Entrepreneurial Expertise To Instill Knowledge And Skills
Vaishnavee Eishwar Maanay
Founder, BNM Instute Of Technology
Education is an integral part of child development, but facing the various challenges in the future life, skills are important. Skill development involves harnessing the youth's untapped potential and making them employable with skills that are relevant to the present work market while studying in educational institutions. Aiming to provide talent development strategies to higher educational institutions Vaishnavee Eishwar Maanay established Skill Bot. It is a training consultancy that will develop students’ skills, knowledge, and attitude to face the challenges of tomorrow.
A degree holder in International Marketing Vaishnavee is providing a fun-loving environment for children to learn more about farming and related challenges through her other venture called The Big Barn Farm.
Vaishnavee Eishwar Maanay, Founder, Skill Bot engaged in an interactive session with Women Entrepreneur Magazine.
Tell Us About Skill Bot. What Are The Important Features Of Your Expertise You Would Like To Highlight Through This Article?
Skill Bot aims to develop students ready for the future, they are groomed as per our understanding of the skills, knowledge, attributes, experiences, and behavior required to face the competition. Many companies have responded to the change in technology by using Chatbots, robotics, and Artificial Intelligence to add value to the service and quality. However, technology is not enough to succeed, as an entrepreneur, I aim to optimize emotional, intelligence and technological quotient.
Tell Us About Your Educational Journey And Prior Industry Experience And What Made You Pursue A Career In Skill Development?
I am now pursuing my Ph.D. in Strategic Management of Higher Education Institutions after earning a Master's in International Business and then finishing the General Management degree at IIMB. My desire to provide a natural and enjoyable learning environment for young children led to the establishment of a children's activity farm in Bangalore. I believe there is a tremendous need to educate our youngsters about farming and the issues that our farmer community faces. I started The Big Barn farm as a result of this desire. Following my experience at The Big Barn Farm, I felt compelled to contribute to skill development in Higher Education Institutions as well. Skill Bot's goal is to assist Higher Education Institutions in developing a talent transformation strategy.
What Are Your Role And Responsibilities As An Entrepreneur And How Do You Face The Challenges Related To It? Also, Tell Us About The Significant Milestone That You Have Achieved So Far And Your Guiding Philosophy?
I am actively involved in the management of BNM Institute of Technology, a reputable Bangalore institution, as well as the business development of Skill bot and maintaining the spirit of learning through play for children. My efforts have been concentrated on establishing collaborative, proactive, and inclusive tactical approaches for skill development across age groups. Women entrepreneurs are making positive strides in the workplace in various sectors all over the world.
"Push the boundaries, step outside of your comfort zone, and don’t be afraid to try something even if it hasn’t been done before. Don’t worry about the people that tell you it’s not possible or try to hold you down"
We're taking greater chances and ready to take on more difficult roles and make our way into leadership positions, however, this is one of the most difficult challenges we women face while working. My most significant achievement was the first time when I spoke up for what I believed in, even though it was not a popular point of view. It is a lot simpler to lead a start-up or any firm when everyone around you agrees on your direction and point of view, but that is seldom the case.
To me, entrepreneurship success is judged by how much value you bring to the people around you through your venture, not by how much money you make. A leadership philosophy is a way of thinking that will affect every decision you make. Always be receptive to feedback and act on it, and keep learning, believing, and achieving.
Tell Us About Your Expertise As An Entrepreneur And The Business Lessons You Learned Through Experience?
Leadership is the capacity to persuade others to want to follow you rather than feeling compelled to do so, this necessitates emotional investment from your co-workers. The transition from academia to administration and finally to entrepreneurship has taught me a lot. Every company concept begins with a single big idea but for it to be a success, you must be certain that it is feasible. Next, the people you choose to be with will have a significant impact on how you think, act, and feel daily. As a professional, you must remain steadfast in your goals to overcome any obstacles that arise on your path to success. Passion for what you do, what motivates you to keep working, even if the work isn't all that enjoyable. You must be able to form positive relationships with individuals around you to be successful.
As A Successful Businesswoman What Would Be Your Advice To Young Girls And Women Aspiring To Become Future Business Leaders?
If you consistently doubt yourself, you'll find that your growth and success will be hampered in your first step towards your goal. Push the limits, push outside of your comfort zone, and don't be scared to attempt something new. Don't be concerned about those who tell you it's impossible or tries to hold you back.
Vaishnavee Eishwar Maanay, Founder, Skill Bot
As the Founder of Skill Bot Vaishnavee is contributing a lot to the skill development of students and bringing the best out of them and making them Future-Ready.