
Sangeeta Verma: Introducing Clarity And Self-Motivation To Help Individuals Reach Career Success
Sangeeta Verma
COO, Skandha IT Services
Reliable IT services play an important part in day-to-day operations for the smooth functioning of the business which ultimately increases productivity and enhances the fast growth of the business. Sangeeta Verma, the COO of Skandha IT Services, is leading her company from the front and proving her mettle in the corporate world from the year 1996. She has completed her double MBA in Marketing & International Business and in HR Specialization from prominent B-Schools which helped her in tackling various business-related problems.
Since then, her hard work and leadership brought lots of laurels and recognition for her as well as for her organization. Sangeeta Verma engages in an exclusive interaction with Women Entrepreneur Magazine.
Introduce Us To Skandha IT Services. What Important Traits Of Your Expertise As A Business Leader Would You Want Us To Bring Out In Our Article?
Skandha IT Services, founded in 2017, is an official gold partner to Microsoft specializing in Cloud-based Enterprise Applications, Mobility, Content, and Data Management solutions led by Mr. Amit Sircar as a Chairman, and myself with 3 decades experience in SLA Management, Process Management, Client Deliveries and Operational Strategies.
Our team works on direct IT Managed Services & FPP projects (ODC) for technologies like D365, F&O and CRM along with supporting the partners, like Microsoft, PWC, Google, Bosh, E&Y, to name a few. Skandha IT Services is also building expert pools with skills in AI, ML, IoT, etc and our expertise is in delivering the Tailored RPO Models for Staff Augmentation Services, Digital Marketing Solutions, Oracle ERP Practice, and Web Development.
Tell Us About Your Educational And Professional Experiences Along With The Lessons That You Have Learned In Your Prior Industry. Also, Throw Some Light On Your Area Of Expertise.
I have completed my first MBA from BK School of Professional & Management Studies, Ahmedabad, and started working with Nestle India Limited where I have worked for 12 years. Over a period of time, regularly connections with human minds made me interested in pursuing my second MBA in HR specialization at Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune. My corporate journey of more than three decades helped me evolve as a professional coach and I have learned about managing human resources effectively whether it be for time management, delivery management, and conflict management.
I believe in having strategic planning to meet the expectations of projects, clients, and management which requires teamwork where all the members of the team are working towards a common goal. As a corporate coach and career anchor, I guide individuals to explore their professional strengths & limitations first and help them to set the right career choices according to their skills and abilities.
Tell Us About The Roles And Responsibilities You Shoulder Including The Challenges You Face As A COO And How Do You Overcome Those Challenges?
I am answerable for operational excellence meeting all deliverables, enhancing business revenues, and developing a staffing program to attract the best talent to satisfy client’s needs. Managing employees and training them with the latest technical skills as well as assisting management with financial projections are some of my roles and responsibilities as a COO.
"One should aspire oneself to become a better version of themselves on daily basis"
Creating a positive image of our organization to attract best talents to join us is the challenge I encountered but in the last three months, we are able to hire 60% more every month than before. Offering the best package to the deserving talent and doing effective marketing of our organization’s USP helped in overcoming this challenge.
Give Us A Glimpse Of Your Most Remarkable Achievements So Far And What Is The Driving Force Behind Your Eminent Professional Journey?
In 2010, my first reporting manager appraised me on a Facebook group for my success as an entrepreneur and it is my first remarkable achievement because the same manager used to tell me that I can never become a successful professional. The publication of my first book followed by a praising call from my school-teacher is another milestone for me.
There were several instances when my trained freshers achieve something big in their professional life and thanked me on professional platforms for the contribution is also remarkable achievement for me. From a team contributor to a role model for others, the only driving force I realized during my long journey is how to transform your own self and create your own better version daily which always pushed me to continue learning and growing larger to face life’s personal and professional challenges.
How Do You Deal With The Periodic Evolution That Occurs In This Industry And What Advice You Would Like To Give Young Women And Girls Who Are Aspiring To Become Entrepreneurs In The Future?
Staying active and open for continuous learning as well as never missing any update in your domain are the only ways to stay aligned with periodic evolution. The advice I would like to give is that success is a mindset and the individual should understand their abilities, accept and then overcome their limitations, upgrade their skills and continuously peruse their goals.
Educational Qualification:
• B.Sc. Chemistry graduate from Agra University in 1993.
• MBA-Marketing & International Business in 1996 and HR & IR in 2006.
Services Provided By Firm:
• Managed Services • ODC • Staff-Augmentation
Awards & Recognitions:
• NHRD has recognized for Teamwork Training & Coach-ing, 2012
• IMT Hyderabad has recognized with Women Entrepre-neur Award, 2013
• NHRD has recognized for Excellence in Process Manage-ment, 2014
Headquater: Hyderabad Other Office Locations: Bangalore, Pune, and USA.
Sangeeta Verma, COO, Skandha IT Services
Having years of working experience, Sangeeta Verma has worked with top IT companies and groomed people to meet exponential growth.