
Ruchi Tewari: Building A Safe & Trusted Ecosystem For Pet Lovers & Pe Professionals
Ruchi Tewari
Animal Shelters, Perfectail
In the journey of life, we learn several lessons by observing and gaining different experiences, but only a select few people can channel that learning in the right direction. There is no doubt that RuchiTewari, Co-Founder of Perfectail a pet services aggregator tech startup is one of them. Perfectail is one-stop destination for all pet-relatedneeds, connecting pet lovers to pet professionals and services across the value chain. We have over 20 categories, so whether you are looking for vets, pet boarding, walkers, grooming professionals, pet stores, pet-friendly places, pet communicators near you, it’s all a click away, all under one roof. The differentiation is to build trust so that pet parents and prospective pet parents (PPP) find all their answers here and all members of pet industry have a platform to reach out to their customers. In an interview with Women Entrepreneur Magazine, Ruchirecites the story of Perfectail, how it came into existence, its mission to make the world a better place for pets and pet parents.
Can you tell us about the events that lead to the creation of Perfectail?
My partner Mr. Naman Kohli and I discussed at length about the various issues around pet parenthood journey, unethical breeding, abandonment of pets, finding reliable sources for pet needs. We spoke to pet parents to understand the pain points, did a lot of research about the pet industryand found that there is a lack of quick and dependable access to varied pet services. There are different platforms for different services that leads to a confusing customer journey. Also, there is an unawareness about various animal related issues, especially pet adoption. Pet parenthood is a journey. The idea behind Perfectail is to make this journey, happier, easier and more fun. We aim to create a safe and trusted ecosystem for pets and pet lovers. We identified and evaluated 7 stages of Pet Parenthood- First we find apet that suits your lifestyle. Then, we’ll make sure you get to know the petwell. We walk you through the nurturing and engaging of pets. And also help you in nourishingthem. We will guide you on how to take care of the pets and when to let them go.
The ecosystem is built around these stages to address all pet-related needs - starting from understanding how and where to get a pet from and journeying through their full life cycle- as well as for pet services to have a platform to connect with pet parents and PPPs.
How do you address the key business challenges in the space?
Today, a major part of the pet industryis still unorganized. Our objective is to bridge the gap between the pet professionals and the pet lovers while simultaneously raising awareness around animal welfare. To overcome the existing issue of having multiple platforms for different services, we have built a unified platform that integrates various pet solutions for the convenience of the pet parents & prospective pet parents. We also provide consultations to PPPs. Whether you choose a dog or a cat or any other pet, becoming a pet parent is a lifelong commitment. Through a consultation call with us, we helpthem adopt a pet that suits their lifestyle, location and other things so that they make an informed decision. We connect with NGOs, animal rescue homes and registered breeders to reach out to prospective pet parents. There are pet professionals and services across more than 20 categories on our platform, under one roof. Find everything you need for your fur baby on Perfectail.
“Our objective is to bridge the gap between pet lovers& pet professionals & raising awareness about animal related issues”
Please elaborate on your business strategies.
Data suggests that there are 32 million pets in India and 0.6 million are adopted each year. More and more Gen Z and millennials are turning pet parents. The biggest shift we are seeing is that pets are family now. People refer to themselves as Pet Parents. Talking about the pet care market, it’s a sleeping giant. According to Petex, India is the fastest growing petcare market in the world. After the pandemic push, it is expected to grow at 14 percentannually to become a $490 million market this year. Tapping on this opportunity, we have created an ecosystem where pet professionals and parents can connect to avail better services. Perfectail is a one-stop solution for all pet-related needs, an easy-to-navigate platform for pet professionals and pet enthusiasts for better accessibility to these services. Like I mentioned before, an ecosystem to cater the complete life journey of a pet, integrating the physical and digital world to achieve a smooth customer journey for pet lovers and their pets.
Can you give us an understanding of how your solutions and services help your clients?
Finding the ideal pet should start with understanding the pet that best fits your lifestyle. We aim to build a platform to assist in the process of bringing home a fur baby. We have informative profiles along with photos of pets up for adoption and connect you to Animal Shelters, NGOs and registered pet breeders. We also offer a consultation call for prospective pet owners. As I mentioned earlier about the Stages of Pet Parenthood, so pet parents can find and connect to the right professionals and services to cater their pet’s needs through the lifecycle of the pet on Perfectail.
Drawing from your experience, what would your advice be to young women and girls who also aspire to become business leaders & entrepreneurs in the future?
Being true to your work and following your passion is key to growth. Stay focused and make space for what you think is important. Give it your best. Before all else, you must know your worth as an individual and as a professional. When you discover your passion and find true commitment towards it, you instinctively find ways to nurture it. Don’t be afraid of what you don’t know or understand, you will find a way, just dig in and figure out. There would be moments where you will feel , “ I am not sure I can do this”, that’s when you push through a little more and stay the course. If you love what you do, you will rema curious to learn and your passion will be contagious,” Blanca Juti, CMO of Rovio Entertainment.
Ruchi Tewari, Animal Shelters, Perfectail
Ruchi Tewari was a sub-editor for the Hindustan Times news paper before joining Indigo Airlines. She was an advertising professional for over 4 years. She is an animal lover to the core and now a budding entrepreneur, Co-founder of Perfectail. A committed professional who believes in constantly experimenting and exploring. A people's person with a rich cross-functional team exposure.