
Megha More: A Fitness Enthusiast Connecting Links Between Healthy Food & Physical Activity
Megha More
Co-Founder, Possible
There's no denying that everyday habits and behaviours have a significant impact on both short and long-term life quality and wellness and that a balanced diet and an active lifestyle goes together. What you eat and what you don't consume are important variables in preventing many chronic medical conditions. Food habits have a significant influence on how people feel now, tomorrow, and in terms of enhancing and sustaining good health in the long run. Obesity, Diabetes, Thyroid, PCOS, Hypertension are just a few of the ailments that may be helped with the nutrient-dense diet. And following the concept that a healthy lifestyle and diet can help individuals overcome their medical conditions without taking any medication or on less medication, Megha More along with her business partners established Possible in 2015, which was initially named as Truweight.
Possible assists individuals in modifying and monitoring their nutritional intake by reviewing what they eat, how much they consume, and when they eat it. Possible's expert team guides people on healthy eating patterns and makes them comprehend the need for a balanced diet. Megha believes in educating people and encouraging them to eat well. And, as people become more aware of the need of eating well, Possible will make sure that they realize and appreciate the advantages they are receiving. Through Possible, Megha seeks to contribute to the larger objective of raising knowledge about healthy eating and physical welfare, which can assist individuals in managing their problems with a single solution.
What Are Some Important Features About Your Expertise As An Entrepreneur?
Coming from a financial background and with no expertise in technology, marketing, or nutrition, it was difficult to build this firm and I had to learn about many areas as an entrepreneur.
What I've learnt as an entrepreneur is, it's the role that allows me to contribute in all aspects of the business. It all comes down to whether you're enthusiastic about what you're doing and what your ultimate ambitions are. And how much of a difference can you make in the lives of your customers? That motivates me to contribute as an entrepreneur not just in the nutrition sphere, but also in technology, marketing, sales, and all other aspects of the business.
How Does Your Prior Industry Experience Aid You In Your Entrepreneurial Journey?
Prior industry experience assisted me in realizing that I wanted to build something on my own; what I did previously was totally different from what I'm doing today. During my campus placement, I was hired as an Information Analyst at McKinsey & Company. I worked with them for two years, and being an information analyst helped me instil qualities such as clear thinking, structured reasoning, how to tackle an issue, how to undertake research for a problem, how to avoid prejudices, and carry out individual research. All of these insights have stayed with me throughout my present path. It aids me in everything I do on a daily basis. After McKinsey, I completed my MBA and spent a brief time working in investment banking as well as other roles in finance. Then I quit because I discovered that I desired to be an entrepreneur. The industrial experience did benefit me in learning or comprehending that entrepreneurship is what interests me.
What Motivated You To Create A Nutrition-Driven Healthcare Company? What Was The Underlying Philosophy Behind Possible And How Does The Company Intend To Help Users?
Prior to launching Possible, we ran Identity, a women's fitness club. I'm a marathon runner, and after finishing a marathon in Chicago, I felt like I was on top of the world, and that's when I knew this is what I want to do: work in the health and fitness sector. Then I returned to India and launched a fitness club with my co-founder. It was going great. But then we understood that exercise is just 20 percent of the solution, and the other 80 percent of the cure for obesity or illnesses is what you eat. The lifestyle change is more than merely exercising on the treadmill for an hour in the morning, which is ineffective. We next broadened our investigation and discovered that nutrition is the missing connection. And there is so much more that can be done in the field of nutrition. We established our fitness startup, Truweight, in 2015, which has now been renamed Possible. Then we realized that we could also provide nutritiously filled food products in accordance with the diet regimens we provide to our consumers. We started with four healthy food products and have now expanded to 80.
“The lifestyle change is more than merely exercising on the treadmill for an hour in the morning, which is ineffective”
What Are Some Of The Most Pressing Challenges That You Face In Your Role As The Co-Founder? How Do You Successfully Overcome Them?
Staying grounded and motivated is one of the most serious factors that each co-founder will encounter. Because there is so much going on regularly, and since you are driving the transition, it is both an opportunity and a challenge to steer it in the right direction. And there is a lot of advice and other paths you can go in, and people keep putting different things forth, or the market continues presenting a lot of different prospects. However, as a founder, you must remain realistic and focused on whether or not this is working. Then, be willing to listen to fresh ideas. Secondly, the top management should only percolate important elements down to the team, because multiple ideas or directions can often confuse the team. Regardless of the team's challenges, you must always be the leading and motivational influence for the workforce.
In Your Opinion, What Have Been Some Of The Most Significant Milestones That You Have Achieved So Far In Your Professional Journey?
Possible has served over 100,000 customers to date, and transforming the lives of so many people is one of my proudest achievements. And throughout my professional path of over ten years, I have thrived as a successful entrepreneur, and that journey continues around the same velocity and determination. I enjoy taking on new challenges and introducing new products to the market. Even after such a long period, I am still a competitive entrepreneur in the market, which is a significant personal accomplishment for me.
Megha More, Co-Founder, Possible
Megha completed her B.Com Honours in Accounting from Lady Shri Ram College for Women before going on to MDI Gurgaon for her MBA. She began her professional career with McKinsey & Company in 2003. Further, in 2010, Megha stepped into entrepreneurship and established Identity, a fitness club. And in 2015, she established Truweight, which is now known as Possible.