May Kanounji: Trailblazer Of The Saudi Fashion Industry


May Kanounji: Trailblazer Of The Saudi Fashion Industry

May Kanounji: Trailblazer Of The Saudi Fashion Industry

May Kanounji
Managing Director

Fashion is an ever changing industry all across the world. New trends in fashion have become a style statement for the urban population. Especially, when it comes to women the fashion collection is unimaginable. The huge number of choices that the women fashion industry can provide is an achievement in itself. But, it is also because of the number, that sometimes, the understanding of quality weakens. Keeping up with the demand, many a times there is delivery of material with inferior quality which creates distrust in the customer base. This is why the industry needs companies that keep up to the demand and at the same time provide premium quality to the customers. Blooming Wear from Jeddah by May Kanounji is one of the emerging companies in this domain which has gained considerable acceptance in a very short period of time. The WE magazine engages in a conversation with her in order to know more about her and her company.

Take us through your early educational journey and prior industry experience that you bring to the table. What are some key business lessons that you have learnt through your prior industry experience that is still a part of your approach to leadership?

Sometimes, the experiences you live as a child shape you in such a way that they define your destiny. I’ve developed a passion for business since early age. I was raised in a family business established by my late father and I still remember those evenings spent with him where I used to see in my own eyes how he put effort and hard work to build the great reputation of his brand. I learned from him the importance of details, and good skills and that success comes from hard work. He taught me that the job is a 24-hour job and that taking care of customers is key to create long lasting loyalty. He has established a loyalty program, manually, 60 years ago! Excellent service was at the heart of his work, he would make sure every customer is VIP, and he would make sure to follow closely on market trends and beats. He died a couple of months ago, and as painful as his passing away is, I am thankful for the legacy he left behind for me.

I’ve also learned how to be unstoppable, no matter the circumstances, I’ve learned that you can cry at your dad passing away at night to wake up in the morning ready to seize the day, rise, shine and realize your vision.

And, when it comes to retail, I am so proud to say that I was coached by the visionary Georges Davies, the legend in the fashion industry – I have learned from him that retail is detail that listening to all comments and feedback from employees and customers is a cornerstone for success.

What motivated you to find a brand that specializes in creating elegant lingerie for women? Take us through the initial days of building Blooming Wear.

What motivates me in leading a brand like Blooming is our vision to build a brand that women love, a brand that creates a special connection between women and their lingerie.

I have a vision of transforming lingerie in such a way that it would have the effect chocolate has on women. What I mean is that when a woman wears Blooming, she will instantly feel the comfort and softness exuded by the brand, and that will trigger positive emotions that will make her feel good about herself, more feminine and a lot sexier. I have recently joined Blooming and I am enjoying the initial days of discovering the brand, the product, the customers and the people.

I am excited to work on products that have the ability to make women happy. Married or single, a woman would choose the lingerie that would make her happier, more comfortable and cool. This feeling will boost the self-confidence of every woman, and she will be able to face her first times with less fear and more excitement from her first bra, to the night preceding the first day at uni, the first day at work, the long awaited wedding night, and on through pregnancy, and welcoming her first baby and so on.

As the Managing Director of the firm, what are the various roles and responsibilities that you currently shoulder at Blooming Wear? What are the most challenging aspects of your current role and how do you overcome them?

As the managing director of Blooming, I would say I am responsible of performance, directing and controlling the company’s operations, giving a strategic guidance and direction to all departments that report to me: Sales, Products, Supply chain, Marketing and IT.

I joined Blooming at the request of the founders, and I came on board to ensure the growth the retail business and lead the transformation of the family owned organization into the corporate world. I am now working hand-in-hand with the team to build a brand based not only on product but also on women-loving. Needless to say, marketing lies at the heart of our work, and we are striving to ensure every customer’s voice is heard across all departments and in every single office.

“What motivates me in leading a brand like blooming is our vision to build a brand that women love, a brand that creates a special connection between women and their lingerie”

How do you keep yourself well aligned with the periodic evolutions occurring within the industry and the tech world in general?

Other than reading about industry and getting all the news and updates, I take part in conferences where I get the chance to meet with fellow leaders. I make sure to build the right network of leaders in similar or different industries, stay in the know, well-connected, and share ideas and expertise.

I am also always in close connection with customers, by standing on the floor, greeting them and meeting them to hear about their feedback and their needs. Coupled with continuous research to understand changes in customer habits and industry trends, networking and making connection are always a win in our field.

I think connecting with younger team members is also a positive step to take, the junior who are very tech savy and would always keep me posted of the changes happening. The thing that I enjoy the most is learning from my team as this is how I feel always young at heart and in continuous learning and development. What would kill a leader is feeling that nothing new is being learned, that’s why I always acknowledge who would know better, in their specialized field, and as a leader I should also keep my eye and my mind open to new ideas.

May Kanounji, Managing Director, BloomingWear

Recognized by Forbes as one of the top 50 impactful marketing & communications executives in 2020, May Kanounji is the Managing Director of Blooming Wear, a leading fashion retailer selling women’s lingerie in the GCC. She has over 20 years of experience in operational and customer-centric strategies and a tracking record in overcoming challenges.