
Dr. Mrunmayee Mangale: Providing A Holistic Approach For Better Health
Dr. Mrunmayee Mangale
CEO, Indusha Integrated Medicine Clinic
According to the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) 2013, The Lancet, 19 in 20 people across the globe have health problems and 1/3rd of the world population experiences 5 or more ailments at a time. As per the Global Health Service Monitor 2020, 1 in 3 people expect healthcare in their country. “The statistics are dreadful for me. I want to help all the people on medicines by letting them know that diseases can be reversed and dependency on the medicines can be reduced by natural healing!”, says Dr. Mrunmayee Mangale, CEO, Indusha Medical Clinic.
An expert in modern medicine, Dr. Mrunmayee Mangale - provides a technology backed evidence based integrated medicine approach in the medical field. Expert in chronic disease reversal by combining different pathies of treatment, she believes in preventing diseases rather than curing them. To bring evidence based approach in alternative and integrated medicine practice, Dr. Mrunmayee founded Indusha Clinic in 2019.
Take Us Through Your Expertise As A Healthcare Professional. What Motivated You To Become An Integrated Medical Practitioner?
I am a chronic disease reversal expert. With a team of expert doctors, I use an evidence-based approach to help the patients reverse their disease by doing thorough research of underlying causes of their disease, finding out the most suitable treatment for the patient, from different medicinal sciences. The method also includes a combination of various treatment modalities like Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Ayurveda with modern medicine.
My personal experience and knowledge helped me start Indusha Integrated Medicine Clinic. While pursuing MBBS from the prestigious BJ Medical College, Pune, I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease. I suffered from seven different health disorders and was put on high doses of steroids, anti-inflammatory agents, etc., by the doctors. As a 23-year-old, I hoped for something that could take me back to the healthier me. I started searching for answers beyond modern medicine and came across homeopathy. I got treated by a classical homeopath and got great results!
To ensure that patients get back to good health, I decided to dedicate my life to bringing different medicinal pathies under one roof of course with an evidence based approach.
What Are The Various Healthcare Principles That You Follow While Treating A Patient?
We have patients approaching us with various health is-sues such as PCOS, Depression, Diabetes, Thyroid issues, etc. At Indusha Integrated medicine Clinic, we address and treat the root cause of the disease. The treatment is more holistic, affordable, and long-lasting.
So, to understand the medical history of our patients, we have a Five-stepped approach:
1. We understand the medical history and journey of the patient. We also study their investigation reports and document previous treatment notes.
2. We meet the patient in person, understand their current physical, mental, and emotional symptoms.
3. We try to meet the families of our patients. It helps us to understand their lifestyle and work structure.
4. We counsel the patient along with their family. We explain the
· procedures we follow,
· probable outcomes,
· expected time of the treatment results, and
· the changes they would feel in their physical, emotional, and mental sphere.
We also make them aware of the natural healing power that lies in every living organism and how we use the same to reverse their disease.
Actual Treatment:
· Tailormade detoxification processes that suit the patient's body and lifestyle.
· Homeopathic medicines that would stimulate the vital force for inner healing
· Naturopathic diet (without any readymade tablets or powders)
· Lifestyle modifications to avoid further relapse
5. Regular follow-ups: Telephonic follow up every 15 days & In person follow-up and investigations for monitoring changes as indicated by a physician.
Our treatments is based on 6 principals of healing, one can find them on our website: www.indushaclinic.com.
“At our clinic, we would be launching an application and a teleconsultation portal so that we are available to all the patients beyond geographical barriers”
3. Tell Us About The Challenges You Had To Face In Terms Of Practicing An Integrated Medicine Approach. How Successful Are You In Over-Coming Them?
The toughest challenge I have faced till date is `People's mindset.'
Due to some conditioning they do not trust the fact that their disease can be reversed and the nature's healing power lies within their own body. In the urbanised lifestyle, we look at our health issues as just another problem to be fixed immediately. We tend to forget that if we are healthy from within, we can perform better. And for us to be healthy from within, we cannot just treat the symptoms for a time being relief.
What Are Some Of Your New And Upcoming Projects?
We are soon coming up with `Cutting edge technology backed integrated medicine Startup.'At our clinic, we would be launching an application and a teleconsultation portal so that we are available to all the patients beyond geographical barriers.
We will also be setting up a naturopathy natural cure centre in the upcoming days and are actively looking for funding from AYUSH Ministry and other authorities. Apart from Indusha Clinic, we are working on 2 startups which focus on chronic disease reversal using teleconsultation, home based detox and therapeutic remedies.
We are also working actively in the field of Gut Microbiome, Mind body medicine, healthy eating habit building for people with diseases and many other inner holistic wellness projects.
As A Successful Business Leader, What Would Your Advice Be To Young Women Who Aspire To Foray Into The Field Of Healthcare And Medicine?
Neil Armstrong once said, “That's one small step for a man. One giant leap for mankind”. I resonate a lot with this quote. Whatever life threw at me, I have tried to battle all challenges and situations gracefully, and I help others do the same. Hence, when I won against my battle with my health, I started a clinic to treat lacs of patients who desire to have a healthy life. I want to help them win their battles of health!
As a passionate Social Entrepreneur, I would say that the world is in the mood for holistic wellness. People today are looking for options beyond modern medicine and they want to explore their inner wellbeing, and mind-body healing. The scope is huge and so is the need of inclusivity in treatment modalities.
Dr Mrunmayee Mangale, Founder, Indusha Integrated Medicine Clinic
While surviving a dreadful and rare autoimmune disease, Dr Mrunmayee realised the importance of having integrated and holistic approach while treating patients. She founded Indusha Integrated medicine Clinic to help people reverse their chronic diseases in a holistic, natural and scientific way. Integrated Medicine clinic provides `Different medicinal modalities viz. homeopathy, naturopathy, ayurveda, Yoga etc under one roof.