
Dr. Manpreet Kaur Rajpal: Nurturing Holistic Legal Professionals
Manpreet Kaur Rajpal
Director & Dean, Indore Institute of Law
“Leader is not the one who makes followers, a leader is the one who creates leaders”! Dr. Manpreet Kaur Rajpal is one such true leader who manifests this wise axiom. Manpreet is renowned as a great leader for her strong strategy, temperament, and adaptive teaching style. She is also an inspiration to her staff members, colleagues as well as students who derive strength and positive energy from her energetic and powerful persona. Under her aegis as Director & Dean, Indore Institute of Law (IIL) has cemented its hold in the education sector as one of the leading Law institutions in M.P, Chattisgarh& Rajasthan; surging ahead with an aim to nurture eminent judiciary professionals who positively and responsibly impact the world. Manpreet speaks with Women Entrepreneur India to detail her journey.
What Prompted Your Foray Into Academics As A Career?
I pursued my LL.B (Hons.) with the objective of becoming a civil Judge. And with God's grace and the unconditional support of my parents, I cracked my Judiciary Exam in my first attempt; with a bitter realization that this is not what I want from life. It is correctly said, “Life is not what you plan. Instead, Life has its own plans”. Destiny played its part and I came across the Chairman of IIL. And being a merit holder in LL.M., I was straight away offered a Job in IIL as the Assistant Professor.
Take Us Through Your Journey With IIL.
I never thought to be an academician but when I was challenged by my parents to accept a job rather than enjoying a home scholarship, I decided to Join IIL; just to prove to my parents that I can do it. But sustaining and growing in this job was truly possible because of Mr. Kantilal Ji Bam, Chairman, Icon Education Society & Mr. AkshayKanti Bam, Chairman, Indore Institute of Law. They have been very very supportive throughout my journey & have been the torchbearers. Leaders are those who make their dream everyone’s dream. And the dream of Management to make IIL No.1 Private Law College was cherished by the entire staff of IIL & today I can proudly say that this Dream has turned into reality. So to be concise just to win a challenge I joined IIL & today I am in my 14th Year of Journey at this institute truly by divine blessings, family support & management guidance.
Highlight Some Crucial Initiatives You Have Formed To Raise The Institutes’ Prominence And Help Students To The Best Level.
The initial task at IIL was to create strong systems which were achieved with the help of visionary management. In academics, my core focus was to inculcate demonstrative learning along with core conventional teaching. Further to motivate students for attending the classes and to increase their participation in activities, we focussed on developing Students Representative Bodies.
Further to elevate the level of students and for extending Global Exposure we conduct Various International & National competitions in which students from across the globe participate. In addition, to bridge the gap between Industry & Academics, we created a skill development cell wherein students were provided with multiple training programs Workshops & Certifications. To make the students Industry-ready, a Central Career development cell was created to provide timely Internships, Placements, Guidance for Higher education & Competition exams. During the 13 years of my Journey at IIL, the best practice
“Never thought to be an academician, but now can't imagine being something else!”
which I preached was to Nurture Moral & Social Values in Students through various activities like old age home visits, free Legal aid Camp, Pro bono activities, N.S.S., Street Plays, Rally for Social awakening which helped IIL in contributing to the society as best legal professionals with a human heart.
Leverage While Facilitating Learning For Students?
Personally, I am a pure conventional teacher with chalk & blackboard. But looking into the need of the hour, now we have switched to smart classrooms. Now our primary emphasis is on demonstrative learning where students understand the applicability of Law. To enlighten them with in-depth knowledge, we launched a subject-based ''Knowledge Series by experts. Legal professionals join us for mentoring the student. The library is enriched with E-Tools like Manupatra, Lexis Nexis, Shodganga, Westlaw, Hein, etc. Students are motivated to use these tools for research as well as case studies. For enriching Presentation & Research Skills Research, we conduct seminars, and students are bound to publish their research papers. Apart from it, multiple Special sessions happen to promote the holistic development of all the students.
What Would Your Advice Be To Young Women And Girls Who Also Aspire To Become Leaders?
I hail from a family that was not introduced to the word Gender Discrimination. And I staunchly believe that now women don’t need any reservation because gone are the days when they were considered to be the weaker section of society.
Personally, this could be due to my upbringing; I never felt that women were weak. In a county where we worship hundreds of Goddesses, where Rani Laxmi Bai is literally the first freedom fighter, and Indira Gandhi has been the strongest Prime Minister ever, how can women be vulnerable? To all the young, dynamic & chirpy girls out there, I will just advise you to Love God, Respect your Parents, be Loyal to Friends & Siblings and pursue whatever you are interested in because if you pursue the career of your interest then it creates Magic. And one last suggestion, do everything with your full heart and you will surely succeed in it and do share your success with your family, friends, society, and nation at large by contributing to their lives & GDP in any way you can
Manpreet Kaur Rajpal, Director & Dean, Indore Institute Of Law
Education Qualifications:
B.com, M.A.(Pol.Sci.) Silver Medal, M.B.A.(Finance) M.S.W.(Gold Medal), LL.B. (Hons.), LL.M. Silver Medal, Ph.D. in Law, Certifica-tion from Harvard University
Awards Of Recognitions:
• Educational Excellence Award 2015 by Brands Academy
• Youngest H.O.D. Award 2020, Satbhavana Award 2016
• Letter of Appreciationby Sikh Community for contribution in Higher Studies, Women empower-mentAward etc.