Top 10 Women Chief Product Officers - 2023

Great Product Leaders are the Key to a Successful Product

Great companies are built on great products which is why successful products are considered to be the beating heart of every successful business or brand. It’s tough or nearly impossible for any business to stay abreast with a product that hardly excites the customers. Nowadays products are more about imagination, creation, and iteration of the apt solution with a more systematic approach including conceptualizing, designing, evaluating, and turning them into tangible inventions. Though with the world advancing at such pace, it is clearly difficult to identify exactly what it takes to make a successful product; however a solution thataligns both the business and the customers need in a more personalized manner may consider as one and this definitely entails an industry professional called CPO or Chief Product Officer who can guides every step of the product's lifecycle.

CPOs: Guidesfor the Product Lifecycle

A chief product officer or a CPO is a C-level executive who is responsible for the strategy and execution of all product-related activities within an organization. Mostly the strategic product vision is all about understanding target markets and audiences, hence CPOs are the one who are responsible for evaluating market trends and the trendiest marketing strategies. And, these practices allow the CPOs to impart effective recommendations for product positioning and pricing.

Female Participation

As per researches Just a decade ago, the product management space had a healthy ratio of men to women. But in the last few years, a sudden gap has emerged. No doubt to the fact that, women in products has been a buzzword but only women only 35 percent women accounts for product management roles and are primarily in entry-level positions. Though a digital talent pool is widely supporting the product ecosystem's unprecedented growth and India is currently witnessing n paradigm shift in the software product industry, still we need more to fill in the gaps. And these are the gaps which can be filled only by increasing the participation of women in this area.

Our endeavour at Women Entrepreneur Magazine has always been to highlight remarkable women leaders across geographies and industries. In keeping with our motto, the current issue of the Women Entrepreneur Magazine features a list of ‘Top 10 Women Chief Product Officers - 2023'. Compiled by a panel of industry veterans, CEOs, CXOs and the Women Entrepreneur Magazine editorial team, the list features prolific women who have not only crafted illustrious and innovative businesses, but have proven their mettle as leaders across the diverse businesses playing a key role in contributing towards strengthening the workforce.

  •  Veefin Solutions
  • Binny Shah, Head Of Product

  • A seasoned professional with a background in software development and technology leadership with a unique perspective and experience


  • A seasoned business leader in the software industry, specializing in AI-infused cloud products for software testing with 15+ years of experience

  • Digital Impressions
  • Rashmi Aggarwal , CPO

  • A digital strategist and brand management expert with over 14 years of experience in e-Commerce & performance marketing

  • Getproven
  • Sarvjeet Kaur, Head Of Product

  • A business leader working with the focus to assist business eco-systems to save, grow, and connect faster across the globe with a vast array of knowledge working in various start-ups


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