Top 10 Corporate Women Leaders From Hyderabad - 2023
In the grand tapestry of human progress, software development is an awe-inspiring masterpiece that has reshaped our world in the past few decades. Like enchanted keys, software tools have unlocked a realm of boundless possibilities, transforming our lives with a touch of brilliance and fulfilment. MODEL N has embarked on an odyssey through innovation, providing extraordinary opportunities in which its software development has left an indelible mark on its clients. In the realm of innovation, Sasmita Nanda, Director of MODEL N reigns supreme—a visionary, a trailblazer, and an inspiration to all who dare to dream big and make a lasting impact in the world of technology and client satisfaction. During an exclusive interview, Sasmita graciously revealed her secret to enduring success and her unwavering ability to stay ahead of the ever-evolving software technology landscape.
Akshatha Karthikeyan , Product Manager
An emerging leader with expertise in workload prioritization, advertising campaigns, project management and marketing analytics and others
Asavari Ashtaputre , CEO
A trailblazer leader setting industry with her expertise in management and IT industry, specialising in leadership, the multitude of services and leveraging technology
Vasumana Ghosh , Founder & CEO
A dynamic leader with her impact in the commercial industry, with a unique perspective on customer relationship management owing to her varied history in advertising
Sakuntala Kasaragadda , Founder
A seasoned leader with 17 years of experience in strategic leadership, change management, and policy advocacy for social security, Specializing in managerial and leadership roles for promoting women's entrepreneurship
Sasmita Nanda, Director
A visionary leader with leadership skills and technical expertise in test automation, specializing in fostering open communication, and providing mentorship
Sindhura Indukuri , Founder & Managing Director
A highly accomplished professional with a diverse range of experience in the finance and education sectors, creating a unique educational model that focuses on providing holistic development to students
Sravani Chettupalli , Founder
A passionately driven education and medical professional leader, having working experience in the medical field in both government and private sectors
Usha Rani Manne, Founder & Director
A professional leader responsible for defining systems and policies, industryacademia linkages, staff welfare, culture-building activities and many more
Vijaya Lakshmi , Founder & Director
An accomplished educationist having over 15 years of experience & a demonstrated history of working in the education management
Yasmeen Delawala , Founder
A fashion leader focusing constantly in pushing creative boundaries and invent designs that artistically and commercially satisfy society's needs