Ziqitza Healthcare reports a Consistent Decline in India's Maternal Mortality Rates
By: WE Staff | Thursday, 15 December 2022
In India, a woman's death during pregnancy or within 42 days of giving birth is referred to as maternal mortality. The death of a mother during childbirth or within six weeks of giving birth can also qualify.
According to the most recent information from the National Crime Records Bureau, Dr. Santosh Datar of Ziqitza Healthcare noted that the Maternal Mortality Ratio in India has decreased from 130 to 97. All four of the nation's regions had an improvement, with rural areas experiencing the greatest decline.
A survey of maternal mortality statistics for India between 2018 and 2020 is part of the newly published research. Assam experienced high rates of maternal mortality during this time.
India's north-eastern state has the highest MMR in 2018–20, at 195. Madhya Pradesh came in second with 173 points, then UP (167). The state with the lowest MMR was Kerala (19), followed by Telangana (33), and Maharashtra (43). According to the research, 52% of all births nationwide in 2018–20 were registered in the states with an MMR of less than 100 (excluding Kerala).
Over 1.5 million pregnant women in dire need of assistance have been helped by Ziqitza Healthcare Limited, guaranteeing safe institutional deliveries in India. Through 108/102, we offer an ambulance service and 24-hour medical helpline.
Pregnant women have historically been one of the main reasons for calling an ambulance. At Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd, we are firm believers that numerous safety measures must be followed to protect both the mother and the foetus during pregnancy. Similar ideas have already been expressed by Ziqitza Rajasthan.
In India, maternal mortality rates have been consistently declining over the past ten years. This is due to women's increased awareness of the hazards to their own health and want to receive the proper care at a hospital rather than at home. The power to adjust one's mindset is a result of 108/102 Ambulance's reachability and availability.
This has caused many more deliveries to take place in hospitals with qualified medical personnel present as opposed to at homes. Notably, improvements in healthcare infrastructure, the availability of skilled labour, and increased expenditure in immunisation programmes are further variables that have contributed to the drop in MMR.
Under the government-initiated Janani Shishu Suraksha Programme, Ziqitza is devoted to offering reliable ambulance services, particularly in Tier II cities and rural regions. This programme was created to safeguard the safety of women and children. The fact that we have been able to assist thousands of pregnant women over the past two years and successfully lower the maternal and infant mortality ratio is proof of the aforementioned.
Ziqitza Healthcare Limited (ZHL)
For businesses or the government, Ziqitza offers a "one-stop integrated healthcare solution" that includes, among other things, medical helplines, mobile medical units, wellness programmes at work, telehealth services, medical rooms, doctors on-site, and occupational health centres. The network of services consists of 3,300 ambulances, modern Helpline centres, and medical mobile units that serve two patients every second.