Women Secure Top 3 Ranks in UPSC 2021
By: WE Staff | Monday, 30 May 2022
The Union Public Service Commission published the results of the civil services exam 2021, and Shruti Sharma, Ankita Agarwal, and Gamini Singla earned first, second, and third place, respectively.
According to the UPSC, 685 applicants passed the exam. As per the commission, 244 are from the general category, 73 from economically disadvantaged groups, 203 from other backward classes, 105 from scheduled castes, and 60 from scheduled tribes.
The UPSC holds civil services examinations annually in three stages —preliminary, main and interview — to select IAS, IFS, IPS officers, among others.
The written portion of the exam took place in January, with interviews taking place in April and May. The eligibility of 80 candidates is conditional, and the result of one candidate has been kept.
Aishwarya Verma came in fourth place, and Utkarsh Dwivedi came in fifth, according to the report.
The Commission said, “UPSC has a 'facilitation counter' near examination hall in its campus. Candidates can obtain any information / clarification regarding their examinations / recruitment on the working days between 10:00 hours to 17:00 hours in person or over telephone nos. 23385271/23381125 /23098543.”