WITI Announces over $52k in Asian-Pacific Student Scholarships for 27th Annual Global Summit
By: WE Staff | Tuesday, 30 March 2021
WITI (Women in Technology International), the leading advocate for innovation, inclusivity, and STEAM, is announcing 210 scholarships for Asian-Pacific (APAC) students to attend WITI’s 27th Global Summit. To honor the 80th birthday of WITI's founder and Chairwoman, the Carolyn Leighton Scholarships cover the cost of 210 Summit attendance fees, totaling $52,500. The conference provides attendees exposure to the Summit’s diverse array of panelists and regional networking opportunities with Senior tech leaders for APAC students.
WITI launched it's Global Summit 27 years ago when there were no other conferences geared towards supporting women in technology and business. Today, WITI’s Global Summit is a premiere international tech conference, where professionals come to learn about emerging trends, develop new skills, and grow their business network.
“WITI’s annual Global Summit continues to provide a platform for women to access the tools and networking opportunities needed for success in today’s digital world," says Carolyn Leighton. “Our intention with these scholarships is to encourage APAC students to participate in the event and help kickstart their technology careers.”
WITI’s 2021 Global Summit is the first to feature a dedicated APAC track. “The designated APAC track at our Summit celebrates the growth and acceleration of WITI’s regional expansion efforts across the Asia-Pacific,” says David Leighton, President of WITI. With consideration to regional differences between the APAC countries, the APAC Summit track will explore an array of systemic and personal choices that support the career growth of women in technology.
Various studies conducted in the APAC region show that women often leave their job at key junctures of the career ladder across all Southeast Asian demographics. Therefore, while women make up more than 50% of university graduates in tech, they occupy fewer than 15% of senior leadership positions. Arya Murali, Vice President of WITI India says, “Our APAC Track at the WITI Global Summit is a huge opportunity to address the gender and seniority gap for women in tech roles. We’re excited to showcase our multifaceted approach of skill development, networking, and leadership with this event and discuss what corporations and women in APAC can do to achieve gender equity.”