WIC Nutrition Programme for Women and Children receives $53 million from the Biden Administration
By: WE Staff | Thursday, 20 October 2022
In order to increase outreach efforts, advance technology, and improve the shopping experience for families participating in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, or WIC, the US Department of Agriculture is granting grants totaling $53 million.
The cash, which comes from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, is intended to assist state agencies, community organisations, and other NGOs test out fresh approaches of connecting with WIC clients both present and future.
Additionally, it will support initiatives to assist participants in locating WIC-eligible foods in grocery stores, plan for online shopping with WIC benefits, and train grocery staff to better serve beneficiaries. State agencies will also use the money to support text messaging, mobile phone support, and appointment-scheduling tools, as well as other initiatives.
The initiative is made as part of the Biden administration's efforts to increase food aid and reduce hunger in the US.
Low-income children under the age of five, as well as pregnant and postpartum women, can receive food, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and health care referrals from WIC. By boosting the benefit amount to $35 per person per month, the American Rescue Plan also increased access to fruits and vegetables. This provision was then changed and extended through December of this year.
In February, 6.2 million Americans took part in WIC, an increase of 1.2% over February 2020, according to a recent report from the advocacy organisation Food Research & Action Center. WIC participants injected $7 billion into regional economies.
But in the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, participation varied greatly, rising in 21 states and the District of Columbia while falling or remaining constant in the remainder.
According to the center's analysis, North Carolina saw the most rise in participation (21%), while New Mexico saw the worst decrease (20%).
In February, just over 1.4 million women participated, a drop of 5.4% in the previous two years. While the number of infants decreased 7.7% to 1.4 million, the number of kids in the programme increased 8.7% to close to 3.4 million.