Vice President of Vietnam, Vo Thi Anh Xuan greets Emirates News Agency's chief in Abu Dhabi
By: WE Staff | Friday, 5 May 2023
As part of her business trip to the UAE to take part in the 2023 Global Summit of Women and numerous bilateral engagements, Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan welcomed Mohamed Jalal Al Rayssi, the Director-General of the Emirates News Agency (WAM), on May 4.
Vice President Xuan welcomed the recent signing of a professional cooperation agreement between WAM and the Vietnam News Agency (VNA), hailing it as a significant step in the collaboration between the two news agencies, especially as Vietnam and the UAE commemorate their diplomatic relations' 30th anniversary (August 1, 1993–2023). Vice President Xuan praised WAM as one of the top news organisations in the Middle East.
Vice President Xuan expressed her conviction that, in addition to the signing of the agreement, the cooperation and information sharing between the two news agencies will be further promoted in a variety of ways, improving the mutual understanding between the two peoples and assisting in the promotion of images of the two countries and two regions.
She expressed her hope that the two organisations would swiftly create and implement specific programmes and plans in accordance with the signed agreement to produce significant outcomes in their future information and communications cooperation, such as exchanging reporter delegations and publishing and translation expertise.
Mohamed Jalal Al Rayssi pledged to work with VNA to carry out cooperation activities successfully in order to strengthen the goodwill and understanding between the two peoples and to further the comprehensive collaboration between the UAE and Vietnam.
The same day, Doan Thi Tuyet Nhung, the deputy director general of the VNA, signed the agreement for professional cooperation between the VNA and WAM.
The two news organisations will cooperate in a complete information exchange amid the quick changes in the world media, as per the agreement. The agreement will support the promotion of information about bilateral cooperation and enlighten enterprises and individuals about the potential, benefits, and cultural and social traits of each nation. This will support the development of relations between the two nations and increase awareness of Southeast Asia in the Middle East.
During the 44th Meeting of the Organisation of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA) Executive Board, which was hosted by VNA, the two organisations signed a Memorandum of Understanding on information collaboration.