Vaccination for Pregnant Women to Start Soon in Goa after the Ministry issues Guidelines
By: WE Staff | Monday, 5 July 2021
Vaccination for pregnant women is expected to begin soon after the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare issued extensive guidelines for vaccination of pregnant women after they are fully informed about the vaccine and given the option to take it.
Vaccination for people without ID cards will also take place in South Goa this week. Around 1,000 people in North Goa who do not have ID cards have received their first doses in Panaji and Assagao.
After the collector assessed the number of people in the area, the sessions for this group of people were scheduled. Foreign nationals other than Nepalese are not permitted to attend the sessions.
On Sunday, a total of 10,927 people were vaccinated, with more than 70% receiving their first dose.
Over 6,000 people in the 18-44 age group have been fully vaccinated in Goa, with 3.7 lakh receiving their first doses to date.
A total of 1.29 lakh people in the state are fully vaccinated, accounting for approximately 12% of the eligible 11 lakh-odd population. Another 65 percent of the eligible population has already received their first dose.
The state intends to administer the first dose to the entire population by July 31.
According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, there is no scientific evidence that the Covid-19 vaccination causes infertility in men or women. According to the ministry, all vaccines and their constituents are tested first on animals and then in humans to assess any side effects.
A national vaccine administration expert group has also recommended Covid-19 vaccination for all lactating women.
Other states are also preparing for the vaccination of pregnant women. Following a new set of guidelines issued by the Union Health Ministry, the Odisha Government is preparing to begin Covid-19 vaccination of pregnant women in the state, according to Health Director Bijay Mohapatra.