The Indian Express Group Launches Awards For Women Entrepreneurs

The Indian Express Group Launches Awards For Women Entrepreneurs

By: WE Staff | Friday, 12 November 2021

For women entrepreneurs, the Indian Express Group is launching Awards or ExpressAWE and is inviting them to share their stories, which deserve to be recognised.

The awards are across eight categories and applicants from e-commerce, health and wellness, media and entertainment, hospitality, technology, education and skill development and fashion and lifestyle are all welcome to send in their applications. With Ernst & Young as the knowledge partners, the awards are an initiative of FICCI FLO and

The significance and timing of the awards are also linked to the difficult journey led by women entrepreneurs during the pandemic months. The impact of the pandemic was more for women with many pulling out of the workforce. The women entrepreneurs chose to stay the course, motivate their teams and forge ahead throughout the pandemic period.

The awards are to celebrate, reward and recognize women entrepreneurs who have been able to prevail, pursue and create an impact and have a story of inspiration to be celebrated and inspire others.

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