Tecnimont Supports IITB Educational Outreach Initiative WiSE to Encourage Girls from Rural India
By: WE Staff | Thursday, 1 June 2023
Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) from rural areas of India get financial support, according to Tecnimont Private Limited (TCMPL), a subsidiary of MARIE Group. Professor Rajesh Zele from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) is leading this initiative which involves 165 females in total, to inspire young girls from rural areas of India to pursue further education in STEM through a week-long intensive residential program at IIT Bombay.
The development of value for the territories and communities where MARIE works through corporate social responsibility projects and initiatives is a key element of the MARIE Group's sustainability strategy.
MARIE Group CSR Senior Specialist, Valentina Grieco, stated that Project WiSE aims to look after the rural areas of India, such as Odisha, Maharashtra, and Bihar in order to help adolescent girls build their confidence in subjects like science and mathematics.
While the rural young girls face difficult circumstances while continuing their education, TCMPL works to make learning appealing for both students and parents to ensure that females have enrolled in these initiatives to their higher standards.