Spotlighting Organizations Changing The Culture Of Work

Spotlighting Organizations Changing The Culture Of Work

By: WE Staff | Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Creating a workplace that is inclusive, welcoming, and nurturing is vital to creating sustained organisational success

There has a silent, yet ever-so discernible change on the corporate landscape over the last decade or so. Increasingly, we are witnessing women not just gain a foothold on the corporate ladder but climb the rungs to ascend to positions of senior leadership.

However, after steadily inching up over the years, the percentage of women in corporate firms in India has stagnated, and even slightly reduced, according to LinkedIn data. The numbers show that the percentage of women in senior leadership roles increased from 16.6% in 2016 to 18.7% in 2023, but then dipped slightly to 18.3% in 2024.

There are a multitude of reasons for this, including rigid cultures, invisible barriers, and unconscious biases against women in the workplace. Equally, access to sponsorship and mentorship opportunities can often be limited, hindering the advancement of women leaders. That’s before we even get to addressing entrenched cultural norms that question the need for women in the workplace (a mindset that is thankfully changing), and various factors that chip at the very idea of striking a fine work-life balance.

Having women leaders to look up to matters for those looking to scale heady heights. Not only do they serve as inspiration but are key to creating inclusive work environments that support women. As champions of inclusivity and diversity, they set the tone for creating a workplace that nurtures women at all levels and creates pathways for growth and success.

A few eminent organisations embody this philosophy to the hilt, and they will be recognised as a Most Preferred Workplace for Women 2024 by Team Marksmen in a gala ceremony, to be held on September 26th at The Lalit, Mumbai.

These are the organisations that have implemented comprehensive policies that promote gender equity, established transparent pay structures, fostered mentorship and sponsorship programs for women, and sought to establish greater gender diversity in leadership. By creating safe and inclusive work environments, they have tapped into the diverse perspectives and unique contributions that women bring to the table and been all the richer for it.

This research-driven initiative will be lauding these organisations in an exclusive ceremony, with those being recognised shortlisted after extensive research based on the following parameters:

  • Equitable pay and compensation
  • Career advancement opportunities
  • Safe and inclusive working environments
  • Leadership representation
  • Work-life balance

Speaking ahead of the event, Rajesh Khubchandani, Co-founder and CEO, Team Marksmen Network, said “Women are a key part of the fabric of society and industry, which is why they are rightly seen as a bellwether of the state of both. Without a shadow of a doubt, as women participation in the workforce increases, the trickle-down effects of it will be widely felt. Right from its economic benefits to a broadening of economic and cultural horizons, including women in the organisational fold drives sustainable economic growth and societal progress. Those being recognised as having created a Most Preferred Workplace for Women recognise this eternal truth, and Team Marksmen is proud to champion their achievements and the cause of creating more inclusive, diverse workplaces.”

Source: Press Release