SCERT Conducts 3-Day Workshop on Empowering Women Leaders
By: WE STAFF | Monday, 26 September 2022
The State Leadership Academy (SLA) of the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) conducted a three-day capacity building program at Bemina in Srinagar. The aim of the program was to strengthen women leaders who work with Socially and Economically Deprived Groups (SEDG).
The program was attended by several Zonal Education Officers, Headmasters, and Hostel Wardens from Kasturba Gandhi BalikaVidyalaya (KGBV) from across all the districts of the Kashmir Division.Abdul HamdiFani, Chief Education Officer, Kupwara, distributed certificates of participation among the attendeesat the valedictory ceremony.
Several in-house experts and invited for the occasion from other departments were part of the event, including the Jammu and Kashmir Institute of Management and Public Administration (IMPA) and the Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE). They shared their thoughts about the importance of leading from the front, especially when working with the SDGs.
The attendees were welcomed by Joint Director of SCERT's Kashmir Division, Mohamad Sharif Dehdar.
Several academic officers from the SCERT spoke at the workshop. Speakers included DrRabiaNaseem Mughal, DrFayaz Ahmad Bhat, MsRubeena Salma, Dr Jan MudasirGul, MsRehanaQussar, Masood Ali Mir, DrShabnum, DrSaimaQadir, DrSajad Ahmad Mir, Sheikh Gulzar Ahmad, Syed Hamid and ShabirHussain.
Additionally, DrNailaNeelofar, Assistant Director at JKBOSE, Prof (Dr) SaimaJabeen from JKIMPA and Danish Aziz, Education Specialist, UNICEF India also spoke at the workshop.
The workshop followed the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development endorsed by world leaders in 2015. The 17 goals depend on achieving gender equality and women's empowerment.
“We won't achieve justice and inclusion, economies that work for everyone, or preserving our common environment for present and future generations until we guarantee the rights of women and girls across all of the goals,” the speakers unanimously acknowledged.