Report: 100 Female CEOs out of 2000 NSE-listed Companies
By: WE Staff | Saturday, 9 December 2023
Mumbai-based EdelGive Foundation recently conducted a study on the topic 'Pathways to Leadership for Women in Finance and Economics'. The study reveals that there are just 100 women CEOs out of 2000 companies listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE). Edelweiss, a financial services conglomerate, has launched the EdelGIve initiative, a philanthropic fund manager and advisor to reputable NGOs and grant givers.
The report mentions India's slow progress in women's leadership roles, based on research and interviews with 55 finance professionals belonging to economic sectors, academic institutions offering economic and financial guidance, NGOs based on women's economic development, and women who are in senior finance roles.
EdelGive reports 95 per cent of respondents are women in leadership roles, highlighting gender disparity in corporate leadership. The finance sector shows notable women's leadership, with 54 per cent in financial services whereas women CEOs are roughly 11 per cent.
The study highlights barriers to women's leadership positions, including a lack of investments in areas where their capacities need to be built. Women face a layered struggle from academic selection to caregiving responsibilities and longstanding disparities. Workplaces must recognize these complexities and reduce their impact on supporting women in their leadership journey.
The study highlights the benefits brought by the women leaders, including innovation and ESG initiatives, and pragmatic approaches. Organizations claim to generate 19 per cent more revenue from innovation. However, the study also acknowledges a 7.7 per cent increase in representation, highlighting the need for further transformation.
A report highlights the importance of fostering a pipeline of women in leadership roles for company growth. It addresses issues like mid-management dropout rates and back-to-work policies. The report also recommends equitable hiring and promotion policies, workplace safety laws, and parent-friendly policies for improved women's participation.