PHDCCI Hosts Vaccination Camp & Virtual Session on Women Empowerment
By: WE Staff | Monday, 7 March 2022
The PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) recently hosted a virtual session on women's stories ahead of International Women's Day, as well as a health-cum-Covid-19 vaccination campaign at Company Bagh in collaboration with Fortis Hospital, Amritsar.
In the virtual session, eminent personalities from various backgrounds shared their professional and real-life experiences, motivating participants.
Poonam Khaira Sidhu, IRS Chief Commissioner of Income Tax Regional Faceless Assessment Centre (ReFAC), Ludhiana, spoke about the support she received from her family and pushed her to pursue a career in the civil service while sharing her stunning success. She discussed the value of networking and mentoring in obtaining success, how networking leads to more opportunities, and the function of the mentor in honing talents.
Suvrat Khanna, co-chair of the PHDCCI Chandigarh Chapter, claimed that offering women more opportunity is a sign of good economic aspect. Many women have headed the country and the government in a wide range of political and socioeconomic circumstances.
Sartaj Lamba, regional convener, PHDCCI's Women Entrepreneurs Committee, and CEO, AJ Travels (P), Ltd, hosted the discussion and educated participants on women's empowerment and the thriving MSME sector in India.
Dr. Sarika Verma, an environmentalist, emphasised her conviction in women's self-sufficiency and independence.
SimbaQuartz's Founder and CEO, Mandeep Kaur Tangra, spoke about her path from a village resident to an entrepreneur. She spoke about the role of education for women and her goal of empowering and sharpening the abilities of rural women so that they can become productive and self-sufficient.