P Revathi Devi Elected as President of Telangana Federation of Women Lawyers
By: WE Staff | Monday, 4 October 2021
The members of Telangana Federation of Women Lawyers voted P Revathi Devi as its President and Shanthi Neelam as the secretary of the federation. Several women advocates participated at the election held at the high court.
An alumnus of Osmania University, Revathi specializes in Civil Law Criminal Law and Family Laws.
Since 2017, the federation is affiliated with All India Federation of Women Lawyers. Founded in 2007, All India Federation of Women Lawyers is an association of Indian women lawyers which is registered association under the Society's Registration Act. Several of past presidents and other office bearers of the federation have been Presidents of their respective state-based Federations of Women Lawyers.
While taking charge, Revathi said that they will work for the welfare of their members and the federation will also give legal support to those in need and women who were facing various kinds of harassment at several fronts.