NISD Presents 'Appreciation Awards-2022' to Women who Excel in their Respective Disciplines
By: WE Staff | Monday, 23 May 2022
The National Institute for Skill Development (NISD) presented 'Appreciation Awards-2022' to women who have made significant contributions to their disciplines.
NISD provides women with training in a variety of sectors in order to help them become self-employed and gain the required skills to become entrepreneurs.
Mrs Universal India-2022 Season-7 Isha Sharma was the special guest at the event.
Sanjeev Kumar, the NISD Centre Director, said that they are training women in various trades to help them stand on their own feet and participate in training programs.
Sanjeev Kumar stated, “National Institute of Skill Development is working on the educational sector and vocational training courses with multiple sector courses like IT Sector, Beauty Sector, Electronics Sectors, Apparel Sector, Automobile Sector, and many more.”
He stated that there is a team of educational professionals whose primary focus is not only on training but also on employing all of our trained applicants.
Isha Sharma, a star guest at the event, praised NISD's mission and stated that such colleges are critical in making India "Atamnirbhar" and realising the government's vision of developing trained manpower to drive the Indian economy.
She added, “I am very impressed by the training programme offered by the centre, especially focusing on the women who are able to earn livelihood and ensure their families get required financial backing.”