NCW Chairperson highlights Women-led Empowerment in India

NCW Chairperson highlights Women-led Empowerment in India

By: WE Staff | Thursday, 8 February 2024

The National Commission for Women (NCW) Chairperson, Rekha Sharma, highlighted that Indian women are establishing new goals as change-makers. She mentioned this because of changing societal perceptions, even mothers who stay at home actively seek out new information and ways to change. "We are dedicated to excellence and are leading the way in change," she stated.

She further said that on Republic Day, the Prime Minister highlighted the positive changes in the last nine years, particularly in terms of women-led empowerment. She attributed that there is an evident surge in crime against women due to increased data collection from female complainants. Previously they were not listened to properly as of now they are actively registering every FIR.

Chairperson Rekha mentioned, that due to facing harassment in the workplace and society, more women are now speaking out about their problems that were not practiced before. This is seen as a positive sign and encourages leaders to work on addressing these issues. She praised the improved registration of FIRs and police work, stating that crime against women and humanity should be eradicated.

She noted significant changes in women's status in the North East and India. Women in the North East are increasingly empowered due to positive changes, with more working in government sectors and owning businesses. Ms. Rekha emphasizes the importance of considering new ventures, such as the growing tourism sector, to further empower women.

She participated in the second edition of the Women on Wheels (WoW) expedition, sponsored by the 'Amazing NAMASTE' Foundation, covering Assam and Nagaland. This is an initiative of 27 women from Diphu, Assam, to Kohima, Nagaland, and Kaziranga-Dibrugarh-Guwahati, Assam.