NCAER & World Bank discuss 'Policy Options to Raise Female Employment in India'
By: WE Staff | Wednesday, 16 October 2024
The discussion on "Policy Options to Raise Female Employment in India" was organized jointly by the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) and the World Bank on 15 October 2024 which highlighted the low female labor force participation rate in South Asia with only 32 per cent, adding that almost two-thirds of working-age women in the region are excluded in the labor force.
Dr. Poonam Gupta, Director General of NCAER stressed the need to target institutional and societal causes that hinder gender parity in employment. She mentioned, "We need to target institutional and societal causes creating the gender gaps in employment, while simultaneously making it easier, safer, remunerative, and professionally rewarding for women to join the workforce and for their families and communities to support their decisions." She urged for a holistic approach to implement a strategy that consists of fiscal, administrative, and regulatory measures. Additionally, Franziska Ohnsorge, World Bank Chief Economist for South Asia discussed that South Asian GDP can surge to 51 per cent if women work in productive jobs similar to men. Women's safety, security, and equal opportunities in the Indian workplace should be mandated, says World Bank Chief.
Experts underscored the importance of action from all stakeholders, government and private sector bodies, and civil societies to empower women in workplaces. The discussion recommended a surge in women's employment at productive job roles, investing in women's education and skill development, access to financial literacy, safeguarding the anti-discrimination laws, and creating a socio-cultural environment.