MKSSS Introduces 2 New Media Courses for Girl Students
By: WE Staff | Thursday, 9 June 2022
Under its educational institution, Shri Siddhivinayak Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha (MKSSS), a 127-year-old organisation with a century-long history of dedicated work towards educating and empowering women, has introduced two new media courses, 'B.VOC. Media & Entertainment' and 'Certificate Course in Media Skills.'
The B.VOC. Media & Entertainment programme will last three years, while the Certificate Course in Media Skills will last one year. The cost-effective courses, which will be taught at the School of Media Activity Research & Technology (SMART), have been designed to train students in Media Technologies and Specific Media Skills, and are made available specifically for girls in accordance with MKSSS's vision and mission, which is 'Women's Empowerment through Education.'
MKSSS is one of India's first women's educational institutions, and SMART has been a premier, well-equipped media training institute in Samstha since 2013. It offers a well-equipped studio and other sophisticated infrastructure for new-age media training, as well as qualified instructors and experts.
The B.VOC Media & Entertainment will be a comprehensive media training course that will include an introduction to humanities, various mass media, media technology such as camera, post-production, visual arts, and sound-technology, anchoring, media skills, radio jockeying, and podcasting.
On the other hand, the Certificate Course in Media Skills will be an introductory course to Media Skills that will cover the fundamentals of media and humanities, as well as camera, radio, anchoring, sound, post-production, and media law and ethics.
The courses will follow the new education policy, and the Savitribai Phule Pune University will award the B. Voc. programme with a degree (SPPU).
Girls who have completed their 12th grade in any subject and from any board will be eligible to apply for both courses, which will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Radhika Ingle, Director of SMART, commented on the events, saying, “The specialty of this course is that it is designed for girls. After 4G technology, many changes took place in the field of media and now a lot will change after the introduction of 5G. At present, girls are more involved in soft skills like proof reading or content writing but the participation of girls in technology based areas like video technology, sound engineering or production should also be increased. Therefore, these courses have been designed with the objective of skill based education. To enable students to receive better practical training we have also set up a state-of-the-art audio and a video studio.”