Melinda Gates to Invest Additional $1 billion towards Women's Advancement
By: WE Staff | Friday, 18 October 2024
On May 2024, the founder of Pivotal Melinda French Gates made an announcement regarding her commitment of an additional $1 billion which will be spent in the coming 2 years with an intent to advance women’s power all around the world.
Melinda founded the venture in the year 2015 that caters in the Civic and Social Organizations industry, having headquarters in Seattle, Washington. The venture has been established, intending to accelerate the pace of social progress by removing all barriers that holds people back.
The venture noted that the company is ““working to get more power in the hands of more people - especially women,” via high-impact investments, philanthropy, partnerships, and advocacy. Organisation that serves women across the world are allowed to use $250 million fund.
Brooke D. Anderson, the president of Pivotal Ventures advised, “We see expanding women’s power and influence not as a single issue but rather as a prerequisite to progress on more or less every issue.”
“We hope that this open call will be a catalyst for future change, leading to more funding, more partnerships, more innovation, and more models to scale.,” Haven Ley, Pivotal Ventures’ Senior Vice President of Program Strategy, Investment, and Communication and Chief Strategy Officer.