Jammu & Kashmir Police Establish Women's Safety Unit in Srinagar

Jammu & Kashmir Police Establish Women's Safety Unit in Srinagar

By: WE Staff | Tuesday, 22 February 2022

In Srinagar, the Jammu and Kashmir Police Department has established a women's safety team to assist women in difficulty. The squad's primary goal will be to safeguard the safety of females in and around schools, colleges, institutions, coaching centres, and other locations.

According to the Jammu and Kashmir Police Department, creating a female safety team in Srinagar will make women feel lot safer. Girls who were being harassed outside of coaching centres or universities would no longer be harassed now that they have a specific squad to report to in the event of an emergency.

DIG Srinagar Sujit Kumar stated, ''I am extremely happy that this step has been taken in Srinagar city. There was a need for this, to have a women safety squad that will be dedicated to the security of women in the city. Since offline classes have been started, coaching centres, schools, and colleges are opening and a lot of people have asked us that the girls are being harassed at several places, and with the recent acid attack in Srinagar, we took this step. The sole purpose of the squad is to make the females in the city feel safer. ''

During the day, the women's squad would be patrolling the city, particularly around educational institutions. If an event occurs outside of their institutions, the leaders of the institutions have been ordered to call the squad. This action was done in response to a recent acid assault in Srinagar. The Jammu and Kashmir Police believe that a separate unit for ladies in the city is necessary.

A female police officer stated, ''The Jammu and Kashmir Police has taken a great step by having this special women safety squad in the city for the security of women. After the recent acid attack in Srinagar city, Police felt there is a need for this. We have been deputed here at two spots outside the coaching centres in Hyderpora and I am in charge of it. We have sufficient vehicles and female squads to make sure the girls feel safer. The girls are feeling much safer and are happy that we have started patrolling.''

Everyone in the city, especially the female students, has praised the initiative. They believed that a separate female squad outside of educational institutions was required. If the police officers are themselves ladies, women find it simpler to report a crime.