Interactive TV report Shows 53% Indian Moviegoers are Women

Interactive TV report Shows 53% Indian Moviegoers are Women

By: WE Staff | Monday, 20 May 2024

The report by Interactive TV, the cinema advertising unit of media agency Group, titled "At A Theatre Near You," shows that 53 per cent of Indian moviegoers are women, challenging the perception that women watch film less frequently. The study, curated by IMRB, aims to understand urban movie-goers' lifestyle and purchase habits. Notably, the majority of film-going audiences in India are youngsters between the ages of 15-24 years, highlighting their growing engagement with cinema and social interactions.

The survey covered a sample size of 3,030 individuals under the age group of 15-55-year-olds in metro cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Pune, and Ahmedabad. It shows that 57 per cent of Indians watch a film every six months with social interactions and family time being key motivators. Factors like star cast and word-of-mouth influence choices, with a significant portion watching during the first week. It also highlights the evolving Indian cinema landscape and the need to cater to both male and female audiences in advertising campaigns.

A majority of the audience watches films in the first week of release, with 63 per cent watching in the first weekend. Factors influencing the decision include ticket availability, distance to the theatre, lack of new releases, and ticket rates. 78 per cent buy tickets directly from the counter, and 51 per cent reach the theatre 15 minutes before the film. Despite online streaming platforms, traditional media remains the primary space for viewing films, with 39 per cent flocking to theatres and only 7 per cent on other devices.