India Debuts in Women's International Tent Pegging Championship; Clinches Bronze Medal
By: WE STAFF | Monday, 26 September 2022
The trio of RitikaDahia, Priyanka Bhardwaj and Khushi Singh did India proud in the Women’s International Tent Pegging Championship by winning the bronze medal. Held in Jordan, this was India’s debut international performance in Tent pegging.
A total of 14 countries had participated in the event and the Indian team made its presence, finishing with 136 points. The gold was clinched by South Africa (170.5) and the second-placed was won by Oman (146).
On day one of the event Dahiya and Bhardwaj competed in the individual and pairs lance event. At the end of day 1, Indiastood at the seventh position. The next day the team competed in individual and team sword events and won second position with 24 points. In the individual event, Singh stood in the first position scoring 18 points.
India’s strong performance on day 2 helped them move to the fourth position in the overall tally. On day three, India finished second in the ring, peg and sword events. A consistent and strong performance helped India move to an overall third position and win a historic bronze medal.