Honoring Women's Achievements in the Healthcare Industry
By: WE Staff | Thursday, 23 February 2023
The DNA Women Achievers Awards 2023 will honour the accomplishments of women who have made remarkable contributions to a variety of fields. A special ceremony honours the outstanding achievements of Indian women on March 3. During the award ceremony, which will be live streamed online for viewers around the country, one of the categories will be healthcare.
Despite the fact that women are essential to maintaining the health and wellness of our families, it sometimes seems as though they are invisible to themselves when it comes to their own health. A woman's health is greatly influenced by a variety of social factors, including money, education, employment, social ties, neighbourhood, and safety.
The DNA Women Achievers Awards will honour women who have achieved success in the healthcare industry. The ceremony will be attended by prominent gynaecology and obstetrics women. The award for healthcare is evidence of how important women are becoming to be in this field. It recognises the important role that women are playing in the healthcare industry as well as their achievements.
By recognising and celebrating the achievements of women in the healthcare industry, the DNA Women Achievers Awards 2023 will inspire more women to pursue careers in healthcare and enhance their quality of life by establishing healthy habits.